Where the *uck are the customers?

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(*In Birmingham, somewhere)

Garrion Pub 

Harry Fenton, a former owner of the garrison and now a bartender, was replaced by Arthur due to the influence of the Peaky Blinders as Thomas purchased the pub; he was not pleased, but he is still well compensated.

As he quickly cleans the glasses, he notices that he hasn't served a single customer in the last few hours, which is unusual. Yes, there were some customers who came and went in the early to mid-morning hours, but now it's past afternoon and dawn as he looks at the clock.

"Hmmm, that's odd; people should have finished their workdays by now and may come to the pub at this hour."

Throughout the years he has worked in the pub, he has noticed that this day is rare; yes, as a former owner, he knows that there are ups and downs in business, and despite the fact that the Peaky Blinders gang owns the pub, people still come to drink in their spare time.

Then he heard some laughs and chatter, as well as approaching footsteps from the bar, and he turns to see who it is: Shelby's family. Arthur's laugh echoes as he approaches with a finished cigar in his hand, offering them some bottles and glasses. The drinks were then prepared by Harry as he poured them into the glasses.

Arthur continued to tell John about his day. Then John's wife, Esme, speaks as Polly Gray walks in.

Then Michael Gray approaches the ladies with some glasses and drinks, pouring them and handing them to them. Then a drink for himself as he settles into his seats. Then Finn Shelby lights some cigars so he can smoke.

"A bottle of whisky, Harry."

"White or Irish?"


As Harry prepares the glasses for Finn's drink. Finally, enter Thomas Shelby immediately following his work at Shelby Company Ltd. He pulls out his coat and joins his brothers in the seat.

As Arthur hands him a drink, he gladly accepts it because, after hours of work and business meetings, he finally has something to relax with. Then he listens to his brothers' continued conversations, but he pauses at his drinks when something in his brother's conversation catches his attention.

"I met someone yesterday at Birmingham Station."

"Yeah, undoubtedly story Arthur."

"No, John, a foreigner who got lost in the station."

"What would a foreigner be doing in Birmingham?"

"Like I said, John, she just got lost."

"Is she? How does she look?"

"A wealthy woman, judging by her attire; instead of a dress, she is dressed in a business suit."

Michael asks, "A businesswoman lost in Birmingham station?"

"What's wrong with a woman in a business suit, Arthur?" asks Polly.

"You just don't take an interest in strangers before Arthur," John says.

"Well, do you help her? At the very least, Arthur, the poor woman must be worried about her husband waiting for her"-Esme says.

"When we shake hands, she doesn't have a ring on her finger, but she says she's meeting someone from London."

"Of course, I'm a gentleman Esme, but it's her who approaches me first and asks where the blower is, and I direct her to where it is."

"She then thanks me and shakes my hand after we've introduced ourselves, and we part ways."

"What's her name then Arthur"

"Acaz...." as Arthur says

"Hmmm  Acaz an odd name for a woman " Tommy Shelby as he contemplates her name. 

"She's definitely the odd one, but I can tell she's got a fierce spirit Tom because she keeps calling me Mr. Stranger if she doesn't introduce herself."

As the Arthur change the subject and continue to blabber some stories, Tommy focus on his surroundings until then he realizes there are the only people in the pub. 

"Harry where are the customers?" as Tommy Shelby he loudly says. As Thomas begun to stand in his seat. 

Then the family fell silent and began to search of their surroundings they are only customers in the pub. Harry stops at his task on what he's doing as he heard Thomas. 

"Where the *uck are the customers?

"I don't know Thomas, its start at the afternoon where the customers began to decrease"

"It's there something holiday that I supposed to known about"

"Where have all the customers been gone to"- chuckled by Arthur. 

"Calm down Thomas there will be point in time in business that there will be no customers be around all the time"- Polly Gray

As Thomas grab his coat he reaches at the door and turn around signaling his brothers to join him. As Arthur, John and Finn joins him. 

 "No Aunt Pol is not a business is the problem, its WHO is fucking with the Peaky Blinders!"

As they got out to hunt someone. Polly grays sighs by Tommy outburst. 

"Not Everything Revolves Around You Tom!"


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