Whispers In the Night

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***Previously Ace of Hearts (Peaky Blinders x O.C reader)** 

"So John what do you think of Acaz?"

"Aye she's a beour for sure but....."

" She can knack yer ballix in hahahahah " as Arthur laughs heartily as he continues John line.

"Careful Arthur you have a wife and children " as Tom Shelby reminds him.

"Ha fack off Tom"

"I can say same to you brother since your divorce...." as John Shelby says to him.

"I dont want to talk about it" as Tom head his own way....

As Arthur smack John's head for being blunt about it. 


*As Tom Shelby gave Acaz a letter for his appointment in his office, Acaz eventually came and discussed the business proposition between the Shelby Ltd. as Acaz and his secretary by her side to discuss the contract between the two in supplying the alcohol product to her add into her casino as Acaz sell and promote through her casino and settling the negotiation of the cuts with it atlas from the long hours of meeting and discussing the contract and legalities,finally end with the signature between the two. As of course the Shelby brothers are witnesses and her secretary Ben. 

"To our collaboration, Mr. Shelby... Together, we can do great things," she said as she raised her glass of drinks.

"To us..." as Tom Shelby clinks the glass of her. 

"Finally, it took longer than I thought, we need a party and more drinks for this," exclaims Arthur as he goes to get more alcohol.

During the meeting at the Garrisson Acaz finally met Shelby's other family as Polly and Ada talk about many things as they want to get to know her and admire her for being a businesswoman, especially as the head of the casino.

While her aide Ben gives Acaz space, he is still staring at her as he swirls the wine in his glass. As Arthur and John discuss about him getting to know Ben, his replies are more generic since he doesn't want to elaborate further.

But the fun comes to an end when Acaz leaves earlier with his secretary Ben to bid farewell to the Shelby family.

As Acaz tells Tom, she needs to inform the personnel about their proposal before planning to distribute the goods inside her casino as soon as possible and offer to her casino.

Thomas Shelby eventually consented since he doesn't want Acaz to keep her here any longer because he knows how to keep up a business.

"You should be careful, Birmingham has a lot of charms...... I don't think your secretary is at ease here, and especially not suited to offer you protection out there."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shelby, he may not look like it but he knows when he's with me, that's why I brought him here, I trust him," Acaz says.

"Mr. Solomon has also offered me a ride back to London, which is why I need to leave early; I don't want to keep him waiting any longer."

"Very well," he says as he grabs her hand and kisses it, and then she gently puts her hand down, flustered by his gestures.

"Well, farewell for now, Mr. Shelby, Mr. Ben were leaving!" she says, tipping her fedora hat at him and hooking an arm around hes aide as they walk away.

Then Mr. Shelby looks at them and laughs in his head about what an unusual woman she is.


Shadows stretched and melded in the corners of the Garrison. The customary din was replaced tonight by muted murmurs and the occasional clink of glass. Tommy sat in his usual booth, gaze darting around the room, thoughts definitely elsewhere.

"Tommy," Arthur said, his voice low.

"There are whispers about this Acaz woman; some say she's more than just a businesswoman, that she has blood on her hands."

Tommy's gaze was fixed on the amber liquid in his glass. "There's blood on all of our hands, Arthur."

Polly, dressed in her typical deep-hued gown, approached Arthur before he could react. Tommy knew the distant expression in her eyes as the result of one of her visions.

"Tommy," she began slowly, her voice shaking with fear and determination, "this Acaz... there's an aura around her. It's dark and stormy, yet there's a flame burning within. She's seen pain like us. Our fates are intertwined."

Ada overheard and retorted, "Fates? All I know is she holds herself with a spine of steel. Met her at a gathering. For someone draped in riches, she has quite the revolutionary spirit."

Tommy raised his head, his interest palpable. "What exactly did she say?"

Ada smirked, remembering the heated exchange. "When I noted how rare it was for a woman of her stature to support our cause, she stared me down and stated,

'Ms. Shelby, we all wear masks. Some of us, just more than one.' She has depth, I must say."

* Disclaimer this youtube is not mine but it belong to the rightful owner and the music

Ada's sneer vanished gradually, replaced by a thoughtful face.

"But there was something in her gaze, Tommy, beyond her words, a depth, a story similar to ours."

Tommy leaned back and exhaled a puff of cigarette smoke. His eyes reflected the weight of leadership, of continually navigating perilous waters.

"Do you trust her?"

"It's not about trust, Tommy. It's about seeing a bit of ourselves in others. She's fought battles, maybe not our kind, but battles nonetheless." As Ada hesitated.

A quiet whisper from one of the Peaky Blinders reached Tommy's ear just then.

A member of the Ace of Spades had been spotted near their region, according to word. The peace of the night was shattered by the impending prospect of a turf battle.

Tommy's expression stiffened. "Seems like our mysterious Ace is making moves sooner than expected." As from the past month they heard about some new gangs herding to a new territory with all the gangs being murdered in the night.

"We'll handle it, Tommy," Arthur tightened his knuckles, "the Blinders always do."

Polly added, "Before we jump to conclusions, we need to know more. The Spades were not just a street thugs; as far i can see they are calculated, strategic. We need to tread carefully."

Tommy nodded and took one more drag from his cigarette. "Gather the men. I want eyes everywhere. If the Spades makes a move, we'll be ready."

Ada waited as the room began to empty, her earlier exchange with Acaz replaying in her thoughts. Were they on the verge of conflict with a reenactment of their own problems? Time would only tell. The night became darker, but shadows were familiar ground for the Peaky Blinders.

But Tom Shelby has another idea that he wants to reveal since Acaz came to London in the first place, but he can't pinpoint the theory of what if the Ace and possibly Acaz are the same. As he has spies in his employ, he investigates Acaz's backgrounds as his spies tell him.

Only time well tell....


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