Gambler in Garrison

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*Disclaimer i do not own this youtube video but it belongs to the original creator and also the music. 

*Birmingham England 

Ms. Acaz Phantomhive comes into the pub and can't help but look around to see the Garrison as Arthur mentions it to her in the pub's heart as Acaz is accompanied by Shelby brothers.

"Welcome to the Garrison Tavern where all the bastards come here to have a lively time" as Arthur chuckles. 

Where all customers in their seats most of them were man talking and chatting then cant help to see that there talking began to cease as they look to the young beautiful foreigner enter the pub accompany the gang of Peaky Blinders , as they began to murmur to each other.

As Arthur exclaim to the mans in the pub  "What the *uck you lookin at mates mind your on business...." as the mans back to what they're doing as they don't want to have a conflict with the Shelby brothers. 

A lively jazz sound to be heard as were lively people chatters. 

Then, as Acaz chuckles  by Arthurs response  , she was admiring the pub, she noticed the old man, a bartender, cleaning the counter. 

Thomas then motioned for Acaz to take a seat  were their is a vacant seat from the back for privacy as Acaz oblige as she take a comfortable seat and take off her fedora hat ,then Thomas Shelby seated beside her  as Tom take off his coat and hat, then John Shelby across from her as he take a seat and they relax as he take a smoke. 

Harry Fenton notice that his boss come back  as Arthur request for them to make a drinks for them. 

"Hey Harry can you make some couple of  Irish whiskey for our fine guest "

As Harry nods in his way as he makes a drinks for them as he sees a familiar newspaper he seens somewhere where the woman accompany the Shelby brothers today in the Garrison. 

"She looks  familiar somewhere?.." 

"Aye she is the one who owns the Phantom Paradise the new casino in London and  so don't fuck up the drinks "

As Thomas Shelby have a small conversation with her as on how she meet Alfie , John can't help but ask a personal question. 

"Ms. Acaz do you have a sibling?"

"Yes i have an older brother actually" 

"Then why come he is not in the casino like you" 

As Thomas glare at John's but he cant help but 

"He had his own world actually he wants to pursue more on his passion to music rather than to manage a casino like my father would"

"Is that why you take his place?" as Thomas Shelby ask intrigue"

"Hah, it's more like they don't want me, Father's old business partners don't want me to run the business because I'm a young woman, but I fucking work my way up and I actually confront them because they fucking eat my Father's money they don't deserve instead of paying the employees fairly." 

"And i guess you prove them wrong" as Thomas Shelby smugly grins.

"Guess what ive said it to them from them after they are fired" 

"What did you say "John says"

"You got cleaned out  ........" as i say say to them smugly to them as i say in irony because of the casino.

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