"I don't need someone, because I'm Phantomhive"

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"Very very Late"

(Acaz POV)

As they part ways and bid each other farewell, she finally communicates with her colleague from London, informing him that she will be late and requesting that he relay a message to Mr. Alfie Solomons about a minor errand she needs to attend to, a white lie per se, because she did not want to admit that she got lost because she fell asleep.

"Not a good first impression," she thought.

(*In the Telephone)

"Yes, Mr. Reid, I need to find somewhere to stay tonight because I missed the last train station to London."

"Be careful, Miss Phantomhive; I'll inform you right away."

"Thank you, Mr. Reid; you saved my life!"

"Unfortunately, Miss Phantomhive, it was the other way around"

She laughs heartily to his colleague in his ironic response.

"Thanks again Mr. Reid, I'll be best on my way now"

She hangs up the blower and grabs her luggage as she walks down some Birmingham streets.

As she walks through Birmingham at night, she approaches some of the people she meets and inquiries about available hotels. Some couples dressed up for a night of partying suggest the best hotels in Birmingham. But she is looking for the cheapest hotel because she does not want to be recognized or followed by some of the journalists who may know where she is.

"How about the cheapest hotel you've heard of?"

"Well, there are a few that I'm aware of, but it's still homey; it's just at the end of this road, Miss."

"Thank you, kindly Ms. and Mr., and have a lovely evening," she says, tipping her black fedora hat.

Ace's smooth-talking ability, which allows her to charm others and persuade them to see your point of view or comply with your wishes with seemingly little effort, is one of her signature characteristics.

Ace needs to follow the couple as they point to the cheapest hotel that they've suggested.

As she walked through the streets, she noticed a flicker of light colors from a small business advertisement and lighting the outdoor post beside Birmingham's road.

Then she looks around and notices that most of the people walking with their arms hooked together were couples, with some laughing and giggles heard.

They go to the party nights, dancing with their partners, having a social gathering with their friends or loved ones, and gladly enjoying the times of peace, making up for lost time after the *ucking bloody war.

Ace realizes she is the only one going to the opposite way and as she walks, she never felt so lonely before as she stops in the track taking a breath of fresh air as she inhales and exhales sighs. 

Ace finally had it all; she became a businesswoman and also a gang leader, managing her father's legacy, assisting people by providing livelihoods, having a lot of money, making her parents proud, supporting her brother's happiness in his dream of becoming a musician, who will have his own family soon with his fiancée; what else can she do?

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