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*Somewhere in an abandoned house

The room is illuminated by a dim light.

A black cloth covers the victim's face as it sits in an old chair, and its body in a black suit is tied up by a rope, and its wrist is handcuffed behind the victim's back.

Instead of being overwhelmed by the kidnapping, the victim remains motionless and has a calm breathing pattern.

A set of footsteps is heard due to the creaks of the floorboards as it approaches its destination to pause for its victim.

"Now where is it, Mr. Ace?" asks a man with a beard.

"That's rude to someone demanding something from me when I'm wearing a black cloth over my face," the victim sarcastically remarks.

The beardless man motioned to his allibi to remove the cover.

They notice a victim squinting his eyes to adjust his vision and a goose egg on his brow as they remove the cover.

"That's more like it, now let me see who beat me" as his vision adjusts and he can clearly see a few men's gang in their tweed vest, suit and flat cap, straw panama hats, black/brown bowler or derby hat.

"I won't repeat myself, Mr. Ace," the man with the beard says angrily.

"Ahhhhhhh it isn't Mr. Sharkie eyy it has been a long time since you did lose, so when did you come here in London?" smirks Raymond.

A punch in the face smacks the victim in the seat, but he turns to face him, smiling.

"Where's my *ucking bread, Mr. Ace?" Mr. Sharkie asks seriously.

"HAHAHA.....What the hell you came all the way here for a shitty bread?" wheezes Raymond, laughing.

Mr. Sharkie then pulls out his gun and points it through his head.

"You know what I *ucking mean Mr. Ace"

"You lose in the bet, Mr. Sharkie, and it's a gambling game, I might add, either you go home big win or lose without anything," Raymond says, but he knows it was Acaz who did the play, but when she is not available at all times, she teaches him some things in order to be like Mr. Ace, and he is the guise of Mr. Ace.

After all, it's all his idea, but Acaz isn't keen on it, especially since he could be killed for disguising her, which poses a big risk, yet for the benefit of all, as Raymond says. As long as they will not reach the f***ing having to cross line , Acaz will not hesitate to reveal the true Boss Ace.

"You take my house and my car away from me!!!" he smacks his gun away from him."

"I'm going to fuck up your Black Paradise and kill your Spade gang."

Raymond's face is covered in blood as it drips from his head. But when Mr. Sharkie said that, his eyes darted at him, saying, 

"And you'll be dead before you see it."

"As i said  without anything..... " as Raymond still says. 

Then there were gunshots heard outside the abandoned house.

They all turn around when they hear a gunshot outside.

"Looks like my ride has arrived," Raymond says, shaking his head.

Mr. Sharkie then orders his men to secure the area.

"Don't fucking let them in."

"Ummm, sir, the boss is just one man in a mask with two guns."

"Then fuck shoot him," he says. The few men abruptly nod and exit.

Raymond's jaw hardens as he hears the news, why the hell is she alone without backups, she's fucking stubborn.

Ace of Hearts (Peaky Blinders x O.C reader)Where stories live. Discover now