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The young brunette wandered down the street, her heels clicking on the pavement, her loveliness causing pedestrians' heads to turn and their eyes to linger.

The girl was in a hurry, she had just come to the end of her 35-hour-long trip from LA and was trying to shake off a few tails that had pursued her throughout her journey.

The young woman looked behind her and saw her followers were closing in on her. She quickly turned back and focused her eyes on a lady walking a few feet ahead of her.
Then, the girl sped up a bit and ducked into a nearby diner, quickly sitting behind a booth and turning her back to the windows, trying to look as normal as possible. She took out her compact mirror from her purse and watched through the reflection as the three men in suits walked past the store, following the woman she'd imprinted her form on. 

She smirked, "Idiots," she muttered to herself as she put her mirror away and scanned her surroundings.

It was like any other diner, with waitresses milling about and taking down orders, people hanging out with their friends, and families enjoying themselves.
The normality of it all made her smile, she missed it.

"Excuse me miss, can I help you with anything?"

The youth snapped her head up and saw an older waitress standing over her with a kind smile, notepad and pen out, ready to take down her order.

"Were you looking for anything in particular?" she tried again with a reassuring smile.

"Actually," she smiled nervously, "I was wondering if you knew of any places in the area that were looking to hire, see I'm new here and I wanted to start saving up for college next fall." She lied quickly, hopefully the woman would believe her and just give her a flyer or phone number or something.

"Ah, well aren't you lucky," so so lucky, for sure, "we're looking for new waitresses right here!"

"Really?" The girl stared at the lady with a tight smile hoping she hadn't discerned the regret in her voice, "Well shoot, maybe I should try my luck at a lottery ticket next!"

The perplexed look on the woman's face made her want to kick herself, lottery tickets haven't been invented yet, moron.

"Heh, so when should I come for the interview?" she stuttered trying to preserve her dignity and not sound like she just broke out of a madhouse.

"Interview, hah! We're so short-staffed you could start right now if you'd like!" the woman chuckled, then she extended her hand to the girl and smiled kindly, "I'm Mary, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The young woman smiled back, raising her hand to shake the older lady's, "Delores."

"Well then missy you better come 'round to the back with me, there's a few extra uniforms in the cabinet," the gentlewoman said as she led the girl away from the booth, "the  salary here starts at thirty cents an hour and if you stick around until I lock up I'll get you your work schedule, sound good?" Mary asked as she let go of Delores' hand walked to the nearby cabinet and began searching for a uniform.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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