Chapter One

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

Have you ever dreaded someone so much, you didn't even want to go to school? Yeah, well I feel like that everyday. He knew every way to push my buttons. I hated him. If it wasn't for Christie, I'd have transferred schools years ago. But here, I was well known. And it wasn't even because I was the Captain of the Cheer Squad. It was because of my siblings. My older brothers, and my older sister. They were practically legends here.

I walked through the halls, waiting for first period to start. It was one of my least favorites, because second period I was with him.

"Good morning, PJ. How are you?" Ms. Franklin asked me, as I walked into class.

"Good for now." I said, shooting her a smile. She nodded, chuckling. All the teachers in the school knew me and Ryan didn't get along, so they kept us apart to avoid bickering. Unless they were feeling adventurous. And there were only a couple teachers brave enough.

First period, to my displeasure, was over in a blur. I passed Christie in the hall, and she shot me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes, making my way to the gym.

"Hey, Jacobs! There's practice tonight, right?" Cali, one of our cheerleaders asked. I nodded in response, pulling my hair up into my usual ponytail.

"Jacobs, is there practice tonight?" Ryan said, mocking her as he walked by.

"Shut up, Alexanders!" I shot at him, glaring.

"Aw, did I make someone mad?" I continued to glare, until his football friends called him over.

Mr. Jenkins walked in, looking at us, sighing. "Today we're playing football."

All the girls groaned. Of course we'd play football, I swear he liked seeing us girls in misery.

"Seriously, Mr. J?" I groaned.

"What's wrong, Jacobs? Afraid to play a real sport?" He said, eyebrows rose.

I glared at him, "You're a football player, cute. Us cheerleaders throw 100 pound girls, and you throw 2 pound footballs. Oh! And did I mention, we actually catch ours?" I snapped, and everybody 'oohed' and 'awed'. Saying burn and stuff, everyone sat there waiting for his response.

"Sweetie, I can catch a football easily. You and your little club, can surely go somewhere else. We don't need you in your little skirts, cheering for us."

Mr. Jenkins stood there watching, a smirk on his face finding this all quite amusing.

"Yeah, you keep saying that, until your supply of booty calls, and one night stands runs short because of your snobby, arrogant self." I said.

"You're just scared to lose." He said, staring at me.

I rose an eyebrow, and laughed. I actually laughed in his face. "Lose, ha! Did you forget who my brothers and Dad are? Sweetie, if it hadn't been for them you wouldn't be playing because this school wouldn't get any funding to watch a couple guys run around throwing balls. But, Alexanders, between you and I," I got closer to him, "You should really come out of the closet." I said, smirking. He shot a glare at me before mumbling a few profanities at me, walking to his group.

"Obviously, Ryan and PJ are being captains." Mr. Jenkins went on to say. "There will be two teams, obviously, of 9. I'm picking them though." He said, looking at everyone.

After he picked the teams, we lined up getting ready. I was excited for this, when I was younger my Dad and brothers taught me how to play. I'd show the jerk that he wasn't the only good player.

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