Chapter Twenty-One

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

I woke up with a jolt, looking around my room. Phillip wobbled into my room, a smile on his face. "Good morning," he said, setting some water on my stand. "Dad wants you to come downstairs." 

I nodded my head, closing my eyes tightly. "Okay, thanks," I said, pushing myself out of bed. I took in my room, examining it. 

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey, sweetie, Ryan called and said that you guys are supposed to be studying today?" 

"Ryan?" I asked, confused. 

My dad nodded, "Yeah, he said he wanted to talk to you, too. Something about when you were there last time." 

"Oh?" I asked. 

"Go get around, I'll drop you off on the way to Charlie's, Phil is going over there today," he said, finishing up some dishes. 

I furrowed my brows but turned, going back to my room. I scanned my closet and tried to find something to wear. I found a pair of light coloured jeans with a nice, but not too nice, black top. It was one of my more favourite tops. I quickly got dressed, throwing my straight hair into a ponytail. I did my makeup, putting on some chapstick afterwards. 

Why did Ryan want to see me after everything that had happened? What was the point? So he could bitch at me more? So we could fight and argue? 

"Parker," my dad called down. I hurried down the stairs, grabbing my sweatshirt off the back of the recliner. We all loaded into his truck and left. 

"He told me he would bring you home afterwards," my dad spoke. "But if you need a ride just let me know." 

I nodded my head and watched out the window. It was still late fall. "Dad, what's the date?" 

"Um, the twenty-sixth of October," he replied, glancing at me for a moment. "Why?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I had a really weird dream last night." 

He looked at me questioningly but pulled into Ryan's driveway. "Call if you need anything," he said, waiting for me to get out.

"I love you," I said. "Goodbye." 

"Love you, too." My dad called to me,  reversing the truck and heading to Charlie's house. 

I walked to the door, my thoughts swirling. Knocking, I waiting for someone to answer. Ryan swung the door open, sighing. "I didn't think you were going to come." 

I shrugged, "Dad said you wanted to study?" 

Ryan nodded, "Yeah, but I also wanna apologize. I shouldn't have said that stuff the other night."

"What stuff?" I asked, looking at him confused. 

"The stuff about not ever loving you and for Stephanie," he whispered the last part. That's when it hit me, everything had been a dream. The relationship, the baby, the miscarriage, the fight. 

I furrowed my brows, "Oh. It's fine." 

"The truth is," he continued. "I do love you. I've been in love with you for years. Why do you think Stephanie's always been a bitch to you? Because she knows how I feel." 

"What about when you kissed her?" The anger and sadness from that day returned. 

He ran a hand through his hair, "It was a mistake. I thought you hated me and so I was just trying to not feel for you. You're literally all I ever think about." 

I small smile formed on my lips, "Oh." 

"Come in, it's cold out here," he said, pulling me into the house. 

I obliged, pushing my shoes off. His house smelt of pizza, his parent's voices lingered from the kitchen. "I'm in love with you, Parker. You won," Ryan said, taking my coat. He stood inches from me, his cologne consumed me. 

"I love you too," I whispered. There were barely seconds in between our words before his lips were pushed against mine, pinning me against the wall. 

Fireworks went off in my stomach. We had kissed so many times before but somehow this one felt like more. Maybe it's the words we shared just moments before. 

"Excuse me," I heard a rough voice call out. Liam looked at us, examining the two of us. "Haven't seen you in a little while, Parker." 

I nodded, "Yeah, it's been a while. 

He sent me a smile, "Glad you're here. Ryan wouldn't shut up about you, he went on and on about you the past few days." 

I smiled, looking up at Ryan. His cheeks were stained a light shade of pink as he looked away. "C'mon, Parker," he said, guiding me upstairs. 

We sat on his bed for a while, "I had a dream." 

"What?" He asked, looking at me confused. 

"About us," I clarified. "I got pregnant and we moved into an apartment together. We were happy. But then I lost the baby and I didn't tell you about it for like a week after and you just left. I don't know if you would have stayed gone or if it was just to get some air and think about it. But that dream, besides the miscarriage and our fight, was the best thing I ever experienced. You made, make, me so happy." 

His face softened and he pulled me into his arms, "I would never leave you." 

He planted a kiss on my head. We sat like that for a while before he pulled me down onto the bed and we drifted off into sleep. 


So this is pretty much the end :/ I'll do like an epilogue or whateverr

But legit heartbroken because of the story and my boyfriend and I broke up last night :)))) What a great life

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