Chapter Six

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

"He tried to kiss you?" Christie squealed.

I rolled my eyes at her immaturity, "I said I think."

She scoffed as we walked down the hallways. "Parker, he wants you."

"Well, I don't want him."

There was no way I would ever be romantically interested in Ryan Alexanders. I think I would have to die first. He was obnoxious, cocky, filthy rich, and a total dick. Sure, I had to put up with him for a little while because of the principle but I surely had not changed my opinion about him. Sure, he took me out on a picnic while we were supposed to study and almost kissed me, but I had no returning feelings.

I still felt the same about the boy and that wouldn't ever change. Ever since day one, I hated him.

"Sure, PJ. Keep telling yourself that," Christie smirked.

"Seriously? I don't like him, nor will I ever."

Christie's eyes widened, "Dude, I was joking. Calm down."

I sighed and apologized to my best friend, "He just irritates me. The thought of ever liking him makes me want to throw-up."

She nodded and we walked into class together, "At least get something out of it."

I rolled my eyes at her and sat down in my seat. I couldn't believe her, my best friend was trying to set me up with the worse person in the world. I was surely going to kill her.

"Good morning, class!" The teacher called out.


"Jacobs!" A mans voice called me.

I turned at the familiarity, immediately regretting my actions. "What, Ryan?"

He smiled, "I've got you a present."

"I swear to god if there's something gross in the bag, I will shove it down your throat," I warned.

He shook his head, "There isn't. Open it!"

I groaned and leaned again my car. Pulling at the tissue paper, I glanced up at him.

His eyes sparkled as he watched my drag the papers out. My eyes widened as I realized what the item was. "Where was it?!"

Ryan shrugged, "I dunno."

"You don't know?" I questioned, "You just pulled it out of your ass?"

He grinned, "Maybe."

I rolled my eyes but smiled at the old teddy bear in my hands. It was free of any dust like it was constantly used and taken care of. "Thank you," I smiled.

"Of course, Princess."

I pushed the bear into my bag and looked at him. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Actually," he started. "I was hoping you were free tonight. The family misses you."

"Oh, do they?" I chuckled.

"Nah, I just need something to do tonight."

I rolled my eyes, "What do you want to do?" I started toward my car.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Wanna come over? I'll order pizza or something?"

I stood for a moment, thinking, "Chinese sounds better."

He chuckled and nodded, "Chinese it is."

We turned and walked to his car instead. He pulled open his door for me, allowing me to get in before going to his own door. He slid the key into the ignition and immediately turned on the radio. He belted obnoxiously the lyrics of We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus. I groaned as we made our way through town, hiding my face as people turned to see what the whale call was for.

"For the love of God, please shut up!" I called out as we turned another corner. "A freaking mute could sing better than you."

His mouth hung open. "Ouch, Parker. That was rude."

I shrugged, "The truth had to be told, Ryan."

He rolled his eyes and we pulled onto his street. He slid easily into the driveway, parking in the garage. "Let's go, brat."

I pushed open my door and grabbed my bag. Following him into his house, cinnamon hit my nose. I cringed at the scent.

"Sorry, my mom is really big into scents, I guess," Ryan apologized and we walked through the hallway. I left my shoes at the front door, placing my bag down, too.

"It's fine, just wasn't expecting it."

He nodded and we made our way upstairs. "Where are we going?"

He smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know."

Ryan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and laughed. Pushing open his door, it roughly hit his doorstopper. The spring buzzed violently and he threw his bag onto his bed.

"Don't mind the mess," he spoke.

I scoffed and looked around the dirty room. Clothes were strung everywhere along with wrappers. "God, help us all."

"What?" He asked, looking up at me.


He moved across the room and sat on his area rug, the only clean spot in his room. "C'mon." I sat beside him, looking away.

"Parker," he spoke. A small hum left my lips in response before he continued. "Do you have feelings for me?"

My eyes widened at his question. "Rather blunt don't you think? But no, I don't nor will I ever."

He raised an eyebrow, "I bet I could make you fall in love with me."

"I bet not."

He sat in silence for a few moments, "I guarantee if I kissed you right now, you would be begging for more."

I scoffed, "As if ,Ryan."

He leaned closer to me, his minty breath engulfing me. "Really?" He asked, getting closer. "Not one feeling?"

"Maybe loathing."

He let out a smirk, "Really?"

Ryan continued to come closer, daring to invade my personal bubble. My stomach twisted at the thought of his lips touching me. He was now centimeters from me, his lips brushing mine. There was nothing innocent in his game. It was hot, fiery, and daring. I wanted to pull away, maybe even smack him, but I couldn't seem to bring myself to do it. In that moment he had seduced all my senses and I couldn't think straight.

"Parker," he whispered again. His lips brushing at mine once more.

The next thing I knew, his lips were slammed into mine. Knocking all the wind from my lungs, I let out a gasp, allowing his tongue access to my mouth. He held my waist in his large hands, pulling me closer to him. Pulling me closer to danger, to destruction.

My fingers clawed at his loose sweatshirt, bringing him even closer to me. There was nothing except him and I.

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