Chapter Twenty

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

I sat on the bed, numb. That was the only way to describe how I felt at that moment. 

"Hey, beautiful," Ryan smiled, coming into the room, kissing my cheek. 

I forced a smile, looking back up at him. "Hey," I whispered. 

Ryan plopped down on the bed beside me, leaning on his elbow as he watched the television. "Ryan," I started. 

"Hmm?" He replied, glancing over his shoulder at me. 

I shifted uncomfortably, "I have to tell you something."

Ryan was cut off by a knock on the door. I sighed and he stood, "We'll talk later." 

He answered the door, his parent's voice booming through the apartment. "Where's Parker?" Lily's voice called out. 

I stood, walking out to the living room where I was met with Jenna. I smiled, "Hey, guys." 

We all exchanged hugs and sat on the furniture. Lily sat beside me, holding onto my hand as she smiled at me. "I like you more than Ryan," she whispered. I let out a small chuckle as she grinned. 

"How has school been going, I know you've probably missed a lot," Jenna asked, looking at me expectantly. 

My stomach did a flip as she stared at me, her eyes examined my soul. "Uh, yeah, I'm keeping up." 

She nodded her head, a small smile playing on her lips, "And how have you been feeling?" 

"She's been feeling really gross lately," Ryan butted in. "She said she's having cramps and that some stuff is coming out that doesn't usually." 

Jenna's eyebrows rose as she looked at me quickly. She closed her mouth as if she could sense the panicked look on my face, "Oh, I'm sure it's just the baby being trouble!" 

I thanked her with a smile, my heart beating too fast. "Yeah, probably," I pushed out. 

For the next half an hour as we sat there, she looked at me sadly. Pity was splattered all over her face as she glanced at me every few minutes. "Come play, Parker!" Lily pulled on my hand. 

I sat on the floor with her, playing with the couple dolls she had brought. "You're going to be a great mommy!" Lily smiled at me. "I can't wait to meet Bruce." 

"Bruce?" I asked, confused. 

She nodded vigorously, "Ryan said that's what the baby will be named." 

I shook my head, "Ryan is delusional."

She shrugged, "I think the baby will be really cute because you're so pretty." 

"Thank you," I pushed out, forcing a smile. 

She scooted closer to me, "When you have the baby, I can play with it!" 

I closed my eyes tightly, "I'll be back." 

I pushed myself off the floor, walking back to the bedroom. Closing the door, I sat on the bed. My breath was hitched in my throat. It was like two hands were covering my mouth, preventing me from getting a full breath. My body shook as I sat there, tearings starting to poor. 

"I'm so sorry," he had said. "You've lost the baby." 

A sob left my body. 

"Do you know who the father is? Do you want to call him? I can give you guys sometime alone," he said, peering up at Aaron. 

I gripped the sheets underneath me. 

Aaron held onto my shaking body as tears racked my body. "Give us a few minutes," Aaron said. He left, his face contorted in pity. 

Jenna's face flashed in my head. She knew that I had lost the baby. 

"Parker?" Ryan's voice was soft. His fingers grazed my shoulder as he pulled me into his body. His arms wrapped around me, "What's wrong? Did Lily do something?" 

I shook my head, "I'm so sorry." 

"What?" He asked, his face contorted into confusion, "Why are you sorry, babe?" 

Tears drowned my face as I continued to sob into his chest. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you," I choked out. My breath came in rapid waves. My eyes burned like fire as I sat there in the darkened room. 

"Parker, is this about earlier? About what you needed to talk about?" He asked, watching my face carefully. 

I nodded as I cried harder, "I didn't want you to leave me. I don't want you to leave. I need you, Ryan, and I didn't want to hurt you. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I-" Another sob racked my body, shaking both of us as we sat on the bed. 

"Tell me, Parker," he whispered. 

I cried, "I lost the baby." 

He froze, staring at the wall. Ryan said nothing and if I didn't see his shoulders rising and falling, I wouldn't have been sure that he was breathing. He looked older in that moment like the whole world was on his shoulders. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing this was all just a dream. "Please, don't leave." 

"How long have you known?" He asked, turning his head towards me finally. 

I hiccupped, "About a week." 

He looked at the wall in confusion, "And you didn't tell me?" 

"Ryan, it's been killing me. I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't want to see you like this," I pushed out. 

"You didn't even tell me you were going to the doctors," he spat out. 

I closed my eyes tightly, "I didn't want you to worry if I hadn't lost it." 

He shook his head, "I can't believe you, Parker." 

"Please," I cried out. "Ryan." 

He stood up, shaking my hand from his wrist. He walked out of the room, slamming the door as he left. I heard the front door slam, too, then I heard a slight murmur of voices. Another sob racked my body as I realized this was my fault. I wiped the tears from my face, walking out of the room. "I think that you guys should go home," I whispered to his family before walking back into the room. 

A few minutes later, his mom came into the room. "Parker?" She spoke, sitting gently on the bed. I didn't respond, "Ryan will come around. He's just in shock, it'll be okay. I know how tough it is to go through this but we are here for you." 

Her words only influenced another sob to rack my body. "I'm sorry," Jenna whispered, touching my knee comfortingly. She stood, leaving. I let tears overtake me as I laid on the bed. His cologne choking me. He was everywhere, pictures of him stared back at me. They watched me intently as I sat there, legs pushed into my chest. 


Decided to update because cheer finished early tonight :)) Hope you guys don't hate me BUT I ALMOST CRIED TO DEATH. I hate myself oml. 


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