Chapter Twelve

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

"Hey, Ryan," I said as I entered the library. "Why are we meeting here?" 

Ryan looked up from the book he was intensely reading. "I was reading this book and I don't know how to check it out so I'm not leaving until I finish it," Ryan stated firmly, his gaze never leaving the black ink filled paper. 

"What is it? A how-to for getting girls?" I laughed, sitting beside him. I craned my neck around his shoulder, trying to get a peek at the pages. 

"No," he snatched the book out of my sight. "I already have a girl." Ryan looked up from the book then, giving me a grin along with a wink. 

I rolled my eyes, "Sure thing, rich boy. Do you want me to show you how to check it out? And maybe we can even see if there are more books for it here?" 

His eyes grew bright, "Yes! Let's do it!" 

He shot out of his chair, on an intense hunt for any books that matched his. "Why are you reading a historical book?" I asked as I peeled the sequel of it off the shelf. 

"It's good," Ryan reasoned. 

I sighed, walking him up for his first book check-out. "He needs to get a library card and check out these two books," I told the lady on the other side of the desk. "Please." 

She sent us a small smile and gave him a paper to fill out for his library card. "This all seems so serious just to get a book," Ryan whispered to me. 

"Well, yeah, if you don't return the book, the library needs someone to be liable for the book," I explained. 

He nodded his head, "Makes sense, I guess." 

After we finished checking out his two books, we walked down the sidewalk. The sky was surprisingly blue for the season as it got colder. Our thin windbreakers wouldn't do the trick anymore to keep us warm. We were now starting to break out the scarves, hats, and gloves. Our embarrassing winter boots that our grandparents bought us in hopes that they were now hip with the kids. The raggedy coats that made us look bigger than we were just to stay warm. 

The decision of the season: Stay warm or stay stylish. 

Around here, we preferred the former. Not many people cared unless they were the popular, whether they looked the hottest in their big coats. They puffed in all the wrong places and looked distasteful. Winter jackets were the most dreaded thing of the year. 

The frost still laced some of the leaves, as the sun peaked around clouds, it erased the frost from sight. The last leaves fell off the trees as we made our way down it. Flowers fought to stay healthy as the cold air slowly crept up on them. Like a tiger after its prey. 

"So, what would you like to do today, princess?" Ryan asked, holding his books tightly. 

I thought for a moment, "Well, we can go back to your place and have a reading date." 

"You don't have a book, though," he replied. 

I scoffed, "Trust me, with your stack of books, I could find one easily." 

"So we're just going to sit there and read?" Ryan scratched his neck, "That won't be boring?" 

"Make popcorn and it'll almost be like watching movies," I smiled. 

He chuckled, "Alright, if that's what you want." 

We made our way to his car and quickly got in. Our bodies warmed up as the heat was blowing on us, defrosting our limbs. The car ride was quick and before we knew it we were popping popcorn. "I love popcorn," I breathed out, watching it pop in the microwave. 

"Yanno, you're full of weird surprises, Jacobs," Ryan chuckled. 

I shrugged, "I don't care, at least I enjoy myself." 

He nodded, pulling the hot bag out of the microwave and dumping it into a bowl. I grabbed the book I had picked out from the shelf in his living room before heading up to his room. He laid on his bed vertically and I laid my legs across him. We created a perfect plus sign with the popcorn in between us. We both started reading, unconsciously reaching for popcorn. 

I reached for the clear bowl, my hand grasping a few pieces of popcorn before grazing Ryans hand. He looked at me, his fingers intertwining into mine. We sat there for a while as we continued to read, our hands held. 

I closed my book as I read the final chapter, gazing at our hands. "Whatcha thinking about?" Ryan asked as he closed his own book. 

"Why are you holding my hand? It's not like we have to carry on this relationship when we're in private. Like, it's not that big of a deal," I stated. 

He furrowed his brows, deep in thought. "Well, I guess it's just become such a routine, it's almost like instinct now," Ryan answered. 

I nodded, "Okay, but that still doesn't justify why. Like, you constantly text me when we aren't around each other. Some nights you even call me, it just confuses me. We're supposed to be a bet and that's it." 

He stayed silent for a while, looking at his wall. The silence seemed deafening between us, like a poison it seeped into us until it took hold. The thick silence could be cut by a butcher knife. "Well," he said, "maybe I just love you." 


Just a cute filler:P And cliffhanger... Oops<3 Get excited about the next part!!!! Also, I just published a new story called Her Keeper since it won't be too long until this is over. A few more lovey-dovey chapters, a handful of drama inflicted ones, hope you all are ready :D But feel free to check out my new story, super excited about it!!! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter <3 <3

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