Chapter Eighteen

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~The Captains' Bet~

Parker Jacobs

It had only been a few months now since Ryan and I found out about the baby. I had made it a point to do everything possible to be exceptionally healthy. It had been rough lately, I was showing more after finally completing my first trimester and people were starting to talk. Somethings were nice but others made me want to wither up into a ball and never talk to anyone again.

I knew that people would say stuff since I was the cheer captain that got pregnant. If I hadn't cared so much about my position on the cheer squad this would never have happened. I wouldn't have ever gotten along with Ryan and I wouldn't be pregnant with his baby. It had been an accident, we had been using protection. The doctor said it was uncommon but sometimes condoms break without us realizing it.

Today I would find out whether I was having a boy or a girl. My father, Lily, Ryan and I were all heading to the doctor's office. I was dressed in stretchy, comfortable pants and a loose top, slouching against the back seat. "Really? You use applesauce in your baking?" My dad asked Lily as he drove down the highway.

She nodded, "It makes it really moist."

He nodded, "I think Parker's mom used to use it in her muffins but it was more to give it flavour, no wonder the kids loved them so much."

They both chuckled and I shifted in my seat. My head had been pounding all day and I had cramps almost like menstrual cramps. I sighed, setting my forehead against the cool window. I felt Ryan intertwine our fingers and I glanced at him. He sent me a small smile and I sent him a small one back.

It wasn't long before we were pulling into the parking lot of the doctor's office. We got out of the car and walked into the waiting room. The secretary gave us paperwork to fill out before I went back to the doctor. It was quick getting in there and the nurse came in and asked me questions. I had changed into a gown and was currently laying on the ultrasound table.

The doctor came in soon after and put a cold gel on my stomach. "How are you today, Parker?" She asked as she started.

"Good," I spoke, pushing the hair out of my face. "Do you see the baby yet?"

The doctor watched the screen for a moment more, "Yes, I don't think we will be able to tell if it is a boy or girl today. The baby is shifted weirdly. Have you felt any kind of movements lately?"

I shook my head, "I didn't think I would yet."

"Sometimes you can, it isn't like the usual big push on your stomach it's probably similar to butterflies or something like that in your stomach when you're nervous," she spoke. She watched for a few more minutes before setting the tool down. She started to wipe off the gel that still was laying on my stomach. "We'll make you another appointment for next week to see if we can see anything."

Lily and my father stayed silent as Ryan looked up at the doctor. "Do you think that it's developed enough to see whether it is a boy or girl and that the position is why we can't see it? Or do you think it's still developing all of that?" He made a gesture down by his legs and the doctor laughed.

"It's hard to say because of the position but I saw some leg and arms." The pulled off her pair of gloves and threw them into the trashcan. "I'll send you out to talk to Karen and make an appointment and then I'll see you guys then." She rushed out after saying a quick goodbye. Her persona seemed to change which worried me a bit.

We walked back out to the waiting room and made our second appointment. After finishing we left, heading to the nearest McDonalds for a quick lunch.

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