War Day 3: Spontanious!

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I knew I was suspicious right now and I just simply didn't care at all. The people with me in the room were obviously idiots. They knew how to get me here and that they were not allowed to actually get me for any crime without any proof and yet here I was literally with some weaopons in my pockets and looking at the tinted window and wait. Wait and wait and wait till I kinda thought it was something about midnight.

Now here was the thing. I always knew when it was around midnight because my body would tell me tired and go sleep. I could feel the sudden rush of sleepiness and I guessed that it was past midnight now. Was it time to actually get going or what was I supposed to do.

As I was thinking what to do, I started to whistel while I stood up and walked to the door. I was not even cuffed or actually looked or anything at all. When I opened the door, there was simply no one stopping me at all. 

Guess they think I will simply sit there and do nothing...

Are they all out of their mind?

We are in an exercise right now!

This is no game!

This is supposed to be serious!

What the hell are they even doing?

I decided to look at the room right next to mine but there was simply no one there. They had really tried to pull a trick on me. Thanks tot that tinted window, I was never really able to see anyone at all. All I had was a feeling but that feeling vanished for a while now. Still I couldn't believe that they would just leave me alone like that.

Me: Morrons...

Glad I took some of my bullets with me and that slingshot will be certainly usefull.

Let's just go and get someone poisoned or paralsed.

Slowly I started walking around till I actually started to hear some more commotion going on around the corner. As sneakily as I was, I peaked over just ever so slightly to see what was going on. There were 3 people there. None of them was facing me but the wall with a huge TV and they were watching a TV show. It was something about the news in the real world and that made me pissed. 


Are they the ones who are watching over me?

Let's see.... 

Kirishima is there for sure...

Then that next to him.... is that TetsuTetsu?

I think it is but who is the other one?

Ah who cares... let me get them and then sneak back to the room and enjoy the rest of the time I have to be here.

For some reasons I was sure that they were the people who were actually supposed to look after me. I mean Kirishima was literally in the room with me before and I knew the man. He was not dumb but they were still not getting that my whole character switched and turned upside down. I was playing the villain and not an innocent flower here. Of course I would do some things a bit more dirty and not only that but I was trying my best not to use my quirk... well trying. There were some situations that I would for sure use my quirk since it was just handy but that was definitely not in a fight... as long as I stood a chance without it. I would certainly try my best to be a quirkless villain.

One poison or paralyse?

Who is that though?


I should know everyone but why can't I put my mind to it now?

That is bothering me....


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