Damn Mothers!

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3rd POV teachers room:

Mic: The kid can play an organ?

Midnight: I still hate the name organ... like it sounds like the organs of a human being or animal.

Vlad: Can we talk about what he did prior to this?

Ectoplasm: And that no one expected it so we didn't had anyone on site?

Eraserhead: Now we do.

Mic: But what would we have done if he really killed someone?

Eraserhead: He wouldn't.

Vlad: With how he made the trap? Are you sure?

Power Loader: He did a great job... and by the way who is down there from us again?

Nezu: The big three are in the game watching and observing. They are not allowed to interfere unless they see the chance of someone dying or getting seriously injured.

Mic: ... why is no teacher there? 

Nezu: It will be a fine chance for them to actually witness the change of a character as well as learn to act and judge a situation.

Recovery Girl: Besides that, Nedjire can catch anyone in midair, Mirio will be able enough to get inbetween things and Tamaki has the ability to distract Midoriya if it really comes down to this.

Midnight: And you agree with all this?

Recovery Girl: I don't see any problems with that. We asked the kid to play the villain and he is doing so. I simply do not like how reckless the kid is. Still he is doing his job more than just well.

Vlad: I get that but it is dangerous.

Nezu: Which is why I have a wafer which is signed by all their parents.

Midnight: Still can't believe they just signed that.

Recovery Girl: I was there... they didn't even read through everything and Nezu had a good 5 cm stack of papers for everyone to sign.

Ectoplasm: I can understand why no one read that.

Nezu: Oh there was one mother who did.

They all seemed confused when Nezu said that. No one in their right mind would actually reald through something that was that thick and especially if the school principal was giving it to them. They would assume it was something their child would need or could learn something from it and that it was a detailed plan for that. To contrary of whatever one was believeing Nezu had in fact written a full statement of this exercise and what could happen with any of the kids including trauma and injures.

Recovery Girl: Midoriya's Mother read everything and then signed it.

Midnight: The woman must have a screw lose.

Mic: Why would she do that?

Nezu: I have told her that her son is gonna be the villain.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Parents...

Vlad King: Damn Mothers... 

Ectoplasm: They are not that bad.

Vlad King: But they are unpredictable.

Eraserhead: Be happy you never have to be a homeroom teacher. They can be worse than villains.

Midnight: Womens are scary sometimes.

Recovery Girl: Never challenge them... they will do everything for their child.

Mic: And they are nearly always right.

Ectoplasm: You all have a fair share experience huh.

Power Loader: Definitely....

Midnight: Hey, hey! Look the heroes finally got to the church.

Mic: And got inside to get Midoriya. I wonder how he will react.

Vlad: Deny everything of course.

Eraserhead: They have yet to catch him in the act or gather an evidence that it is him.

The heroes were currently watching how Midoriya was walking together with Kirishima and Jiro out of the church. Bakugo was in front of them cursing but not acting out of place. From how they knew Bakugo, they thought that this man would punch Izuku and then get hopefully dragged away by his fellow heroes. He would then get disqualified because he acted against the image of a hero. However some of the heroes also hoped that Bakugo would actually keep his act together since he in fact was one of their best students as well.

They could simply not completly believe that he could have his anger issues in check and put the task abouve it. That was all.

Mic: Yeah... our villain here will play dumb for sure.

Vlad: What else do we expect?

Midnight: Someone breaking the rules.

Power Loader: I think he will find a way to get out of there.

Ectoplasm: Quite question... couldn't Shinso be the one who would testify against Midoriya? Is that not enough evidence?

Nezu: That is the case if they manage to get something out of the poor kid. I doubt that Midoriya is gonna let that happen.

Eraserhead: What do you mean?... What do you know about?

Nezu: You will see.

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