Chapter Thirty-Two

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On that sunny Sunday, the core four decided to spend their afternoon at the arcade, reliving old memories and creating new ones. Rosalie couldn't help but reminisce about the time she and Angelina had visited the arcade before, and the epic dance battle she had with August at Dance Dance Revolution.

Feeling a sense of nostalgia, they came up with a spontaneous challenge. The girls would face off against the boys in a series of arcade games, and the winning team would get to choose lunch while the losers paid the bill.

The first game they tackled was ring toss. Tristan took the lead, skillfully scoring 15 points. August followed suit, surpassing Tristan with a total of 17 points. Together, they racked up 32 points. Rosalie stepped up next, surprising everyone with an impressive score of 19 points. Angelina gave it her all, earning a respectable 16 points. The girls were now in the lead with a total of 35 points, leaving the boys trailing behind.

As the afternoon wore on, they delved into a variety of games like whack-a-mole, basketball, skeeball, and air hockey. The girls proved to be the superior players, amassing a whopping 23,124 points, while the boys fell short with 12,867. It was clear that the girls had a natural talent for arcade games.

Before bidding farewell to the arcade, August challenged Rosalie to a showdown at Dance Dance Revolution. Always up for a challenge, Rosalie eagerly accepted. As they made their way to the game, Tristan and Angelina placed bets on the outcome. Angelina, being Rosalie's best friend, naturally sided with her, while Tristan rooted for August.

As Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" blared through the speakers, Rosalie and August stepped onto the dance pad. Rosalie's excitement grew as she immersed herself in the rhythm of the game. Just like last time, a crowd gathered to watch the two teens dance their hearts out. The music coursed through Rosalie's veins as she flawlessly hit every arrow, not missing a single beat.

As the dance came to an end, the crowd erupted in cheers. Angelina and Tristan turned to the audience, asking them to applaud the winner. August's hand was raised, and some people clapped enthusiastically. But when Rosalie's hand was raised, the applause grew thunderous, as if she had won a prestigious competition. With a triumphant smile, Rosalie emerged as the victor, and August couldn't have been prouder of his girl.

Knowing he didn't stand a chance against Rosalie's dance skills, August stole glances at her throughout their performance. He couldn't help but admire her carefree spirit and adorable focused face. After the exhilarating dance battle, the group decided to head to their favorite diner, where they could continue their fun-filled day.

As they settled into their seats, they ordered their usual dishes and engaged in lively conversation, cherishing the moments they shared together.

The conversation at the diner was filled with laughter and reminiscing about their arcade adventures. Rosalie couldn't help but tease August about his defeat in Dance Dance Revolution, while he playfully defended himself, claiming that he had given her a run for her money. Tristan and Angelina chimed in, adding their own witty remarks to the banter.

"So, Rosalie, how did it feel to win against August in the dance battle?" Angelina asked a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Rosalie grinned, leaning back in her seat. "Oh, it was absolutely exhilarating! I could feel the energy of the crowd, and the music just carried me away. I guess all those hours spent practicing really paid off."

August chuckled, shaking his head. "You were amazing out there, Rosalie. I couldn't keep up with your lightning-fast feet. I'm just glad I managed to keep my balance and not trip over myself."

Tristan chimed in, raising an eyebrow. "Well, August, I must say, you did put up a good fight. But Rosalie's dance moves were on a whole other level. It was like watching a professional dancer."

Rosalie blushed, feeling a sense of pride mixed with a touch of embarrassment. "Aw, you guys are too kind. I'm just glad we all had such a great time together. It's moments like these that make me appreciate our friendship even more."

Angelina nodded, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Absolutely, Rosalie. We've new memories to create, and it's moments like these that remind me how lucky I am to have you guys in my life."

As they enjoyed their meal, the conversation shifted to their plans for the upcoming summer break. They brainstormed ideas for road trips, beach outings, and even a camping adventure. The excitement in the air was contagious, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

The afternoon turned into evening, and as they bid farewell to the diner, they promised to make more memories together. They walked out into the fading sunlight, their hearts full of joy and their minds buzzing with the anticipation of future adventures.

As they went their separate ways, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the bond they shared. The core four knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they had each other to lean on, to laugh with, and to create unforgettable moments with.

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