Chapter Nineteen

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With prom just around the corner, Rosalie and Angelina found themselves in a frenzy as they still hadn't secured their dream dresses. Determined to make the most of the limited time left, they devised a plan to embark on an epic shopping adventure.

Angelina's inquisitive nature couldn't help but bubble to the surface as they scanned through the racks of dresses. "Do you think August is going to ask you to prom?" she questions, her eyes darting back and forth between the different fabrics.

Rosalie, unsure of how to answer, hesitated for a moment. "I don't know," she finally replied with a slightly bemused expression.

Searching for clarity, Angelina pressed further. "But do you want him to ask you?" she prodded, her voice filled with curiosity.

Rosalie's gaze shifted towards the short green dress, glistening with sparkles, that she had just picked up. "I mean, I do," she admitted, "but I don't want it to be some extravagant gesture."

A mischievous glimmer danced in Angelina's eyes. "Oh, you have to try that one on," she playfully urged, pointing towards the mesmerizing black dress.

Rosalie couldn't resist the impulse and decided to give it a go. "Alright, I will," she conceded, her excitement building. "But first, I really want to find a beautiful blue dress."

And so, with hearts set on finding their perfect ensembles, Rosalie and Angelina shopped which seemed to stretch on for ages. They tirelessly scoured every boutique and department store.

Finally, after what felt like hours of searching, their hard work paid off. Both Rosalie and Angelina found their dream dresses, each leaving them breathless with delight. As they held up their treasures, their faces lit up with radiant smiles.

Having checked off every item on their prom to-do list, Rosalie and Angelina made their way to the local diner. Celebratory chatter filled the air as they relished in the anticipation of the magical night to come, their hearts bursting with excitement and gratitude for their unforgettable shopping adventure.

"I can't believe we actually found our dream dresses," Rosalie exclaimed, her voice filled with glee.

Angelina nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "All that searching was worth it. We've got the perfect outfits to make a statement at prom."

As they settled into a cozy booth at the diner, they couldn't resist flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine they had picked up earlier. They excitedly pointed out their favorite celebrity looks and debated whether they could recreate them for their own prom night.

"Do you think we should go with dramatic makeup, like a smoky eye and bold lips?" Angelina pondered, her fingers tracing over an edgy makeup tutorial.

Rosalie tilted her head, deep in thought. "Hmm, maybe. We definitely want to look glamorous, but still, stay true to ourselves."

Their conversation soon turned to prom dance moves. With laughter echoing through the diner, Rosalie and Angelina attempted to teach each other the latest viral dance crazes they had seen on social media.

Rosalie was feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about possibly being asked to prom by August. "What if he doesn't ask me and I end up being the odd one out?" she confessed, fidgeting with her napkin.

Angelina reached across the table, gently placing her hand on Rosalie's. "Don't worry, even if he doesn't ask, we'll have a blast together. We'll dance the night away and make unforgettable memories."

A sense of calm washed over Rosalie as she smiled at her best friend. She knew she could count on Angelina to turn any situation into a joyous adventure.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their milkshakes, adorned with colorful straws and whipped cream. As they indulged in the sweet treats, they excitedly chatted about their plans for prom night, envisioning the magic and romance that awaited them.

"Hey, Angelina," Rosalie said between sips of her milkshake, "who are you going to prom with?"

Angelina paused, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Well," she began teasingly, "let's just say I have a secret admirer who's been dropping hints."

Rosalie's eyes widened with curiosity. "No way! Who could it be?"

Angelina giggled, relishing in the suspense. "Guess you'll have to wait and see," she said playfully, taking a sip of her own milkshake.

Rosalie playfully nudged her friend. "You can't keep me in the dark like this, Angelina. I'm dying to know!"

Angelina leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay, fine. But you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Rosalie leaned in too, barely containing her excitement. "I promise!"

Angelina took a deep breath, drawing out the suspense. "It's Tristan. He asked me yesterday and I said yes!"

Rosalie's eyes widened in surprise. "Tristan? The quiet guy in our math class?"

Angelina nodded, unable to hide her excitement any longer. "Yes! Turns out he's not as shy as we thought. He even planned a sweet way to ask me."

Rosalie squealed with delight, unable to contain her happiness for her friend. "That's amazing, Angelina! I'm so happy for you!"

The two friends shared a moment of joy, their laughter echoing through the diner. The anticipation and excitement for prom night multiplied, knowing that they would both be attending with dates.

As they finished their milkshakes and paid the bill, Rosalie looked at Angelina with a twinkle in her eye. "You know what, Angelina? Prom is going to be absolutely unforgettable. Whether August asks me or not, I'm going to dance and have the time of my life with my best friend by my side."

Angelina smiled back, a mixture of excitement and gratitude in her eyes. "Absolutely, Rosalie. We're going to have the most incredible prom night together, no matter what. And who knows? Maybe August will surprise you after all."

With that, the friends left the diner, their hearts filled with anticipation for the magical prom night that awaited them. They were ready to dance, make memories, and celebrate the beauty of friendship. Prom was just around the corner, and nothing could dampen their spirits.

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