Chapter Eight

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When she woke up the following morning, she was relieved to find herself feeling noticeably better than the day before. Although she still had a lingering cough and runny nose, she decided it would be safer to stay home from school until she had completely recovered.

Despite her remaining symptoms, she mustered up enough energy to tackle the daunting task of cleaning both her living room and kitchen. Wanting to pamper herself a little as she worked, she applied a hydrating face mask to her complexion.

The soothing melody of soft music played in the background, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Just as she finished washing the last dish, a gentle knock echoed through her door.

Curiosity piqued, she swung open the door to find August standing there, wearing a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, cupcake. I hope you're feeling much better," he greeted cheerfully.

"Hi, August. Yes, I'm feeling much improved," she replied, stepping aside to let him inside.

"I see you've managed to clean your living room and kitchen. Impressive," he remarked, settling onto her couch.

"Well, your grandma's remedy and a restorative nap gave me the boost of energy I needed," she answered, making her way to the kitchen.

"Can I offer you anything?" she asked, fetching a refreshing bottle of water and tossing out her face mask.

"No, thank you. I just came to drop off your belongings, and then I'll be on my way," he declined politely.
Rosalie nods and takes a seat next to August on the couch, sipping her water. "Thanks for dropping off my stuff yesterday, by the way. That homemade remedy really did wonders for me. I can't believe how much better I feel today."

August smiles warmly at her. "I'm glad it worked. Grandma's remedy never fails. She's been using it for years, and she swears by it."

Rosalie leans back against the couch, feeling a sense of comfort in August's presence. "I guess grandmas always have the best remedies, right?"

August chuckles. "They definitely have their own special magic. My grandma is no exception. She's always been the one to take care of me when I'm sick or feeling down."

Rosalie's gaze softens as she looks at August. "You're lucky to have such a caring grandma."

August smiles gratefully. "I really am. She's taught me so much, not just about remedies, but about life too. She's taught me to be kind to others and to always lend a helping hand."

Rosalie takes a moment to absorb August's words, feeling a newfound admiration for him. "You know, you've really surprised me, August. I didn't expect you to be the type of person to come over and take care of someone when they're sick."

August shrugs modestly. "Well, I guess people can surprise you sometimes. And besides, we may not be friends, but that doesn't mean I can't show kindness and compassion."

Rosalie smiles, feeling warmth in her chest. "You're right. And I appreciate it. It's nice to know that there are people like you out there."

August chuckles, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Well, I guess I'm not all bad then."

They both laugh the tension and awkwardness that used to hang between them slowly fading away.

After a moment, Rosalie breaks the silence. "So, how was school yesterday? Did you enjoy the absence of my sassy remarks?"

August smirks playfully. "Oh, trust me, your sassy remarks were greatly missed. School was pretty dull without them."

Rosalie grins, happy to see that their banter is back. "Well, don't worry, I'm sure I'll make up for it when I'm back in school."

August shakes his head, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Oh, I have no doubt about that. But for now, enjoy your day off and get some rest. You still need to fully recover."

Rosalie nods, feeling grateful for August's concern. "Thanks, August. You've been a real friend to me, even if we haven't quite reached that level yet."

August's smile widens, showing his genuine warmth. "We'll get there, Rosalie. Slowly but surely."

As Rosalie watches August get up to leave, she realizes that sometimes unexpected friendships can blossom from the most unexpected circumstances. She spent the rest of the day eating pizza and watching movies. She was grateful that August came to visit her and nursed her back to health. Maybe this is what Angelina meant by this wasn't the end of her story with August.

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