Chapter Eighteen

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The following day, Rosalie couldn't contain her excitement as she dialed Angelina's number. She couldn't wait to share every detail of her date with August.

"Hey, Angelina!" Rosalie squealed as her best friend picked up. "You will not believe how amazing last night was!"

Angelina's voice was filled with curiosity. "Tell me everything, Rosalie. How did it go?"

Rosalie took a deep breath, her mind replaying the evening's events. "Well, the date started off great with August complimenting my outfit and how confident I looked. We had dinner at this charming Italian restaurant, and the conversation flowed so naturally. It was like we've known each other for years."

Angelina squealed with excitement, her voice filled with joy. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing, Rosalie! I knew you two would hit it off."

"You were right," Rosalie admitted with a happy sigh. "August is genuinely kind, funny, and so easy to talk to. We laughed so much, and there were these moments where we felt this incredible connection."

Angelina grinned, her voice full of pride. "I'm so glad to hear that, Rosalie. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Rosalie's heart swelled with gratitude for her best friend's unwavering support. "Thank you, Angelina. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for everything you've done for me."

Angelina chuckled. "Please, it was my pleasure. I had so much fun helping you pick out that perfect outfit and seeing how much it boosted your confidence. I just wanted you to have the best experience possible, and it sounds like you did."

Rosalie nodded, a smile tugging at her lips. "You played a huge role in making that happen, Angelina. I couldn't have done it without you. And August even mentioned how impressed he was with the outfit you helped me choose."

Angelina laughed, clearly pleased. "Well, you can thank me later. Right now, I want to hear all the juicy details. Did he hold your hand? Was there a goodnight kiss?"

Rosalie blushed, her voice laced with excitement. "Yes, he did hold my hand, and there wasn't a goodnight kiss but the night was something out of a movie."

Angelina sighed dreamily. "I knew it! I could just sense the chemistry between you two. This is the start of something amazing, Rosalie."

Rosalie couldn't contain her happiness, her voice brimming with excitement as she replied, "I think you might be right, Angelina. This could be the beginning of something truly special."

The two friends continued their conversation into the night, with Rosalie sharing every moment and detail of the date. Angelina listened eagerly, offering words of encouragement, advice, and joyful exclamations throughout.

"I felt like I was on cloud 9 the whole night and August was just full of compliments.

"August really knows how to impress you," Angelina exclaimed.

"He really does," Rosalie agreed, a happy sigh escaping her. "I feel like I'm living in a fairytale. I never thought I would find someone like him."

"You deserve it, Rosalie," Angelina assured her. "You've been through so much, and it's about time you found someone who treats you like the amazing person you are."

Tears welled up in Rosalie's eyes as she thanked her friend. "I honestly couldn't have done it without you, Angelina. You pushed me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to take a chance on love again."

Angelina's voice softened. "Rosalie, you're the strongest person I know. I just wanted to see you find happiness, and it looks like you're on the right track. Just remember, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Rosalie wiped away her tears, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. "I know, Angelina. And I appreciate you more than words can say."

The conversation continued for hours, the friends discussing every detail, hope and excitement bubbling in their voices. The bond between Rosalie and Angelina grew even stronger as they reveled in the joy of Rosalie's newfound happiness.

As they finally said their goodbyes and ended the call, Rosalie couldn't help but feel blessed to have such an incredible friend by her side. With Angelina's support and encouragement, she knew that her journey with August was just beginning, and whatever lay ahead, she was ready for it.

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