Chapter Nine

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It was now Thursday and Rosalie was glad that she could go back to school. She kept a thermos filled with tea just to be safe. It was lunchtime and the cafeteria was filled with laughter and chatter from students. Rosalie sat at a table in the far back of the cafeteria with Angelina. She was filling her in on how the two days went.

"Wait you're telling me August helped you when you were sick?" Angie asked shocked.

"Yeah, he came to drop off my homework and lab notes and he saw how sick I was so he gave me some of his Grandma's remedy," Rosalie explains.

Rosalie took a sip of her tea before continuing, a hint of annoyance evident in her voice. "It was some ancient herbal concoction or something. I didn't really believe in it, but he insisted it would help me feel better."

Angie raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by this unexpected act of kindness from August. "And did it actually work?"

Rosalie shrugged nonchalantly. "I guess. I mean, I started feeling better the next day, but who knows if it was because of that weird potion or just good old-fashioned rest."

"I can't believe you let him help you," Angie said, a playful grin on her face. "I thought you found him annoying."

Rosalie rolled her eyes, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, trust me, I do. But let's just say it was a one-time thing. I don't plan on owing him any favors anytime soon."

Just then, as if on cue, August walked into the cafeteria with his usual energetic stride. He spotted Rosalie and Angie sitting at the back table and made a beeline toward them.

Rosalie let out an exasperated sigh when she saw him approaching. "Speak of the devil," she muttered under her breath.

August plopped down in the seat next to Rosalie, his face beaming with enthusiasm. "Hey, Rosie! I heard you were feeling better. Glad to see you back at school!"

Rosalie forced a smile, trying her best to remain civil. "Thanks, August. Yeah, I'm much better now."

August leaned closer, seemingly unfazed by Rosalie's lack of enthusiasm. "I'm just happy my grandma's secret remedy worked for you. It's been in our family for generations, you know?"

Rosalie nodded politely, her eyes darting briefly towards Angie for support. "Yeah, it was... interesting. But hey, thanks for dropping off my work. I appreciate it."

August chuckled, his infectious laughter filling the air. "No problem at all! Anything for a friend in need."

Rosalie shot him a quizzical look, not quite sure where he got the idea that they were friends. "We're not friends, August."

August's smile didn't falter, but he seemed slightly taken aback. "Oh, well, I mean... I just thought maybe after helping you out, we could be... you know, friends?"

Rosalie shrugged, her annoyance getting the better of her. "Helping me out doesn't automatically make us friends, August. It just means you did a favor for me."

August's expression turned slightly sad, and he looked down at his tray for a moment. "I guess you're right. Sorry if I overstepped, Rosalie. I just thought... never mind."

Rosalie's irritation softened slightly as she realized she might have hurt his feelings. Maybe he wasn't as annoying as she thought. "No, I'm sorry," she said softly. "I appreciate what you did for me. It's just... we're just very different people, you know?"

August looked up, a tentative smile inching back onto his face. "Yeah, I get it. Maybe we can still find some common ground. Who knows? Stranger things have happened."

Rosalie couldn't help but smile back, a new understanding blooming between them.

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