Chapter Twenty-Three

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The long-awaited day had finally arrived - prom day. It was a half day at school and the hallways buzzed with excitement as everyone discussed the night ahead. The theme, "under the stars," heightened Rosalie's anticipation as she looked forward to wearing her stunning blue dress. In the cafeteria, she sat beside Angelina, chatting animatedly while enjoying her meal.
"I'm so excited for tonight," Rosalie exclaimed, taking a refreshing sip of her lemonade.

"I know, right? It's going to be such a magical night," Angelina replied, a sparkle of excitement evident in her eyes. "And can we just talk about how amazing your dress is? You're going to be the belle of the ball, Rosalie."

Blushing modestly, Rosalie thanked her best friend. "Aw, thanks, Angelina. I've been waiting for this night for so long. I can't believe it's finally here."

As they finished their meals, the girls pushed their trays aside and started discussing their plans for the afternoon. "We should head to your place after lunch and start getting ready," Angelina suggested. "We need to take our time and make sure we look absolutely flawless."

Rosalie nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that sounds perfect. We can do our hair, and makeup, and help each other get dressed. It'll be so much fun."

The minutes ticked by, and soon, the lunch bell rang. Angelina and Rosalie walked out of the cafeteria side by side, their anticipation growing with each step they took. They could already imagine the glamorous evening that awaited them.

Arriving at Rosalie's house, the girls hastily climbed up the staircase to Rosalie's bedroom, eager to begin their preparations. The room was awash with excitement, with their dresses sprawled out on the bed, makeup scattered across the vanity, and music playing softly in the background.

Hours seemed to pass in the blink of an eye as they meticulously curled their hair, carefully applied their makeup, and delicately slipped into their stunning prom dresses. Angelina and Rosalie couldn't help but admire each other's beauty as they mirrored their gazes in the full-length mirror.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, Rosalie," Angelina gushed, adjusting the straps of her own shimmering gown.

A warm smile adorned Rosalie's face as she twirled in her blue dress. "And you, my dear, look like a princess. Tonight is going to be unforgettable."

Just as they finished getting ready, there was a knock on the front door. The girls exchanged anxious glances before rushing downstairs to meet their dates. Opening the front door, they were greeted by the sight of August and Tristan, both handsome in their tailored tuxedos, waiting outside in front of a sleek black limousine.

"Good evening, ladies," August greeted them with a charming smile. "May I say, you both look absolutely stunning."

Rosalie blushed, feeling a rush of excitement. "Thank you, August. You look quite dashing yourself."

Tristan stepped forward, extending his hand to Angelina. "Shall we, milady?"

"Indeed," she replied, taking his hand and stepping into the limo. The car's doors opened, and they settled into the luxurious seats, feeling the evening's enchantment envelop them.

As the limousine pulled away from Rosalie's house, the girls couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. They had spent months preparing for this special night, and now it was finally here.

"Can you believe it, Angelina? We're actually going to prom!" Rosalie exclaimed, her voice filled with awe and excitement.

Angelina nodded, her eyes shining with anticipation. "I know! It feels like a dream come true. I can't wait to dance, laugh, and create memories that will last a lifetime."

Rosalie smiled, her heart bursting with happiness. "Me too, Angelina. Tonight is going to be magical, just like we always imagined."

As the limousine continued its journey, the girls looked out of the window and saw the stars starting to twinkle in the night sky. It was as if the universe itself was aligning with their excitement and happiness.

As they arrived at the venue, Rosalie and Angelina stepped out of the limousine, the soft glow of the venue's lights casting an enchanting atmosphere around them. They took a deep breath, ready to embrace the night ahead.

"Here's to a night of laughter, dancing, and unforgettable memories," Angelina said, raising her glass.

Rosalie clinked her glass against Angelina's, her voice ringing with determination. "To the stars, and us, shining brighter than ever."

Hand in hand, they stepped into the prom venue, their hearts filled with anticipation and their dreams ready to come true under the starry night sky.

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