Chapter Seven

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On Tuesday, Rosalie fell ill unexpectedly. She couldn't pinpoint the cause since she hadn't been around anyone who was sick and it wasn't flu season. On top of that, Angelina was away visiting her grandparents and wouldn't return until Thursday.

Feeling miserable, Rosalie spent most of the day lying on her living room couch, wrapped up in a cozy blanket and attempting to watch a movie, although she was half asleep. Tissues covered the coffee table and littered the floor, evidence of her stuffy nose. She felt absolutely awful.

As she yawned and turned off the TV, preparing to let sleep take over, a knock at her door interrupted her. Groaning, Rosalie got up, still wrapped in her blanket, and opened the door to find August standing on the other side.

"Wow, you look awful," August remarked, taking in her messy bun, red nose, and tired eyes.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Rosalie replied, her voice hoarse but dripping with sarcasm.

"No, that's not what I meant. I came to give you your homework and the chemistry notes," August explained, pulling the necessary materials out of his bag.

Rosalie took the stack of papers from August, trying to hide the sneezes that were building up inside her. "Thanks," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

August's brows furrowed as he noticed her struggle to hold back the sneezes. "Are you okay? You look really sick."

Rosalie nodded weakly, blinking away the tears that were forming in her eyes. "Yeah, I don't know what happened. I woke up like this. Must be some sort of mystery illness."

August's concern grew as he watched her pale face and shaky hands. "Is there anything I can do? Get you some medicine or something?"

Rosalie managed to force a weak smile. "Nah, I'll survive. But thanks for the offer."

August hesitated for a moment, then took a step closer. "Actually, I know something that might help. It's a home remedy my grandma always used whenever I got sick. Can I come in and make it for you?"

Rosalie's tired eyes widened in surprise. "You want to make me a remedy? I mean, you don't have to do that."

August shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I want to. Besides, it's a secret recipe. My grandma says it's the best cure for anything. Trust me, it works wonders."

Curiosity piqued, Rosalie stepped aside and let August into her living room. She sank back onto the couch, pulling the blanket tighter around her as August disappeared into her kitchen. Moments later, the sound of clattering dishes and running water filled the air.

August returned with a steaming mug in his hands. He handed it to Rosalie and watched as she cautiously took a sip.

The warmth spread through her body, bringing a soothing sensation to her throat. Rosalie couldn't help but smile as she felt her congestion starting to clear up. "Wow, this is amazing! What's in it?"

August grinned triumphantly. "Well, it's a secret, remember? But I can tell you that it has a special blend of herbs and spices that are great for boosting your immune system and relieving cold symptoms."

Rosalie couldn't help but laugh, a genuine sound that echoed through the room. "You know, you're not as annoying as I thought."

August smirked. "Gee, thanks. I'll take that as a compliment."

As they continued to chat, Rosalie started to feel her energy returning. The fog in her mind lifted and she felt more like herself again. It was as if August's presence had brought a ray of sunshine into her sick day.

Eventually, they said their goodbyes, with August promising to check on her the next day. Rosalie waved him off, feeling a little disappointed that their time together had come to an end.

But as she settled back onto the couch, sipping the last of the remedy, Rosalie couldn't help but think that maybe being sick on a Wednesday wasn't so bad after all. Once she was done she sat it down on the coffee table. Laying down on the couch once again she let out a yawn and closed her eyes. Taking a long nap will definitely give her the rest of the energy she needs.

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