The Snake Prince💜💕🐍

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A/N: So this an Au retelling. It's experimental so tell me what you think. Btw I made some tweaks to characters and original personalities to fit so bear with me... enjoy!
7 years ago...

Princess Libber held her stomach as her baby kicked around inside her. She laughed. "Cliff? Come here," she called her husband the prince.
"What is it? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Libber smiled softly. "Everything is fine," she took his hand, "feel!"
Cliff rested his hand on his wife's baby bump. He beamed down at the princess when he felt his son kick. "He's going to be energetic this one huh?" Libber nodded.
Libber and Cliff were strolling through the palace on their way to the Royal gardens when they heard metal clashing and men yelling. "What is that?" Libber asked worried. "I don't know," Cliff stepped in front of his wife to protect her in case of emergency. Libber could take care of herself and Cliff knew it but she was pregnant and he wouldn't let anything happen to her or their unborn son.
They rushed over to the commotion to see guards dead on the floor, blood spilled, staining the stone. Libber clasped her hand to her mouth to suppress a scream. She was close with some of the fallen men.
They hadn't even noticed the king, Cliff's father, was fighting a cloaked figure until he was thrown back towards the princes feet.
"Father?!" "Cliff, Libber! Get out of here!"
"Libber go," Libber didn't waste time arguing. She wanted to help but she knew it was more important to protect her son.
"What happened?!"
Before he could be answered, Cliff was thrown to the wall by magic. He grunted as his body slammed into the cold stone.
"Stay away from my son Nadakhan!" The king demanded. The figure removed the cloak. "You-you're a djinn?" Cliff stuttered frightened.
The djinn simply smirked. "And your soon to be king!"
"Only in your deepest dreams Nadakhan," the king roared, his sword clashing against the evil djinn.
Cliff tried running to his father's aid but he kept getting pushed back Nadakhan.
The king tried his best to get the upper hand but he simply couldn't, he was too strong.
The cool metal slid through his flesh.
"FATHER!" Cliff cried out in rage. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, Cliff lunged onto Nadakhan. He took a sword from a dead soldier and struck it straight into Nadakhan's heart.
The djinn cried out in agony.
"Leave this palace and never return!" Cliff cried through burning anger. "You can't stop me, I will be king! This is only a minor set back!"
Cliff was going to attack again but he heard his wife call out his name. "Cliff don't!" She pleaded. He refrained. Nadakhan switched his gaze upon the princess. "I'll be back, and when I do, you're son will suffer!"
With that, the djinn disappeared in orange smoke.
Libber held onto her stomach in fear. Cliff ran to his fathers side. "No! Dad, please no." He cried. It was too late, he was gone.
Libber sat next to him and hug him tightly. "I'm so sorry my love."
Cliff and Libber were crowned king and queen just two weeks after the kings death. Their son was born a month later. They named him Jay. They swore to protect him and do what ever they could to protect him. They modified the palace to make it impenetrable for djinns and soon after other kingdoms did the same to their castles and homes in fear.
But it was only a matter of time before the djinn returned...

7 years later...
"So it is agreed," declared King Clifford, "when our children are of age, they will be married."
"I look forward to governing with you," commented King Ray. "But we don't want to just through them randomly one day into marriage. We wouldn't do that do Kai, so we can't do it to Nya" Queen Maya added.
The kings bowed their head in thought. "Very well, I guess it wouldn't be the worst idea. What do you suggest we do?" Maya smiled.
"It's quite simple. At least once a year, seeing as our kingdoms aren't very close, and we switch each year, the prince and our daughter will meet."
The kings looked at each other for approval. "I have only one request," King Cliff interjected. "What is it you want to request?" Queen Maya inquired. "You come to this palace," he thought quickly to make up a lie to why he didn't want his son leaving but he didn't have to.
"That would be lovely if you are willing?" "It would be my honor King Ray."
So it was settled.
When King Ray and Queen Maya left King Cliff let out a sigh of relief. Yes, this marriage would unite the kingdoms but there was a bigger more personal reason for the marriage. The Smith's kingdom had weapons and knowledge to defeat a djinn. He couldn't tell the king and queen of his intention in fear of being seen as weak but this was and opportunity to keep his child safe and he would do whatever it took to keep it that way.
Year one:
It was the first year of the prince and princess meetings. They were both at the young age of 6 while Kai, the the eldest prince of King Ray and Queen Maya, was 10 .
"You can't make me!" Nya folded her arms while her father was at his wits end. "Oh yes I can. And I will. It's your duty as princess to one day marry Prince Jay," he explained.
"Ew!" Nya and Kai cried together in unison.
"Kai do not encourage her," Ray scolded.
"Your father is right Dear, I know it seems hard right now but don't forget your father and I met this way."
Nya rolled her eyes. "I don't care! I don't know him. He's probably a spoiled brat like Kai!" "Watch it!" Kai barked but Nya simply stuck her tongue out at her brother.
"Where is this behavior coming from young lady?" Nya folded her arms.
"It's just not fair," Nya groaned. She had a very situated personality and opinions for a kid her age.
"I hope she's nice," Jay smiled to himself. Cliff looked down at his son and lowered himself to Jay's level and placed his hand on Jay's shoulder seriously.
"Remember what I said?" Jay nodded. He thought about his mom. He wished she was still here. She died two years ago. Now he really didn't have any women in his life besides the maids. He was excited to have a least one girl to know whatever the circumstance may be.
"I'm being serious Son, you need to pay attention, this is important you make a good impression. Though it's mostly on her."
"Why?" Jay inquired. Cliff shook his head. "Because she's a woman." A lie. He needed the kingdoms resources but that answer just slipped out. Jay narrowed his eyes. "That's not a good reason."
"I know best, now come along, they'll be arriving any moment, it's a women's worst fear to be late!"
"Why?" "Jay so FSM help me if you joke around like this-" "What I don't get it?!"
The carriage arrived with the Smith Royal Family. Before they exited Cliff made sure to fix Jay's posture.
Maya made sure Nya smiled, well, at least not make the face she was currently making.
The palace guards and servants helped the royals out of the carriage where Queen Maya and King Ray bowed and went to greet their old friend but before the did they introduced their children.
~She looks nice~
~This is going to be a long summer~
~Please get along~
~Please get along~
~Please get along~
~Shoot me in the head~
Jay bowed in front of Queen Maya and gave her a kiss on the hand per his fathers instruction. Maya smiled, Nya on the other hand was about to barf.
"What a chivalrous young man you are Jay," Maya commended. "Thank you your majesty," Jay smiled.
"Ha, guess you're stuck with a dork," Kai taunted his sister. "Why me?"
"Children introduce yourselves," King Ray instructed.
Despite their lack of interest, they did as they were told and approached the king and prince.
"It's lovely to finally meet you princess Nya," Jay bowed. "Did-do." Kai jabbed Nya in the side fighting off the urge not to laugh at her behavior. "I-I mean, the pleasure is all mine." Now she really do want to puke.
Jay immediately got the sense that she didn't like him. This was going to be a long summer.

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