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Upon entering my room, the soft glow of the overhead light reveals the wardrobe's contents in a gentle cascade of shadows and highlights. I take a moment to absorb the array before me: blouses, trousers, and skirts in various hues and styles. Yet, amidst this tapestry of fashion, my attention is captured by a singular item—a sleek, shiny black dress that seems to shimmer with its own silent invitation. Beside it, a pair of boots, equally captivating in their design, rest patiently. The combination speaks to me, hinting at a blend of elegance and edge. After contemplating the potential of the ensemble, I feel an undeniable pull and decide that today is the day to embrace its allure.

I gaze into the full-length mirror, taking in my reflection. With a deliberate motion, I kneel down, releasing my hair from its bobble and tucking a section behind my ear. Just as I'm adjusting my appearance, the door creaks open. "Y/N, are you in here?" the familiar voice of Diego calls out. "Yes," I respond, meeting his inquiry. He chuckles softly, "Why the special attire?" I explain, "Five's taking me out. Figured it's better than staying in with nothing to do." "hm alright" he faintly says, i get up off the floor and i gase too him, "right actually, what did u need" "its just about whats going on"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙...Where stories live. Discover now