☆°Hybrids°☆ {part 2}

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Part 2, dekubaku, fluff, taller izuku, hybrid characters (example: izuku has big rabbit ears, and a tail. Katsuki has wolf ears and a tail.)

Katsuki looked at his wrist, where the courting mark that izuku gave him is. It was fading. He'd have to ask izuku for a new one. Well, He didn't have to ask, but he wanted to. Maybe this weekend will be the perfect time to do so.

Katsuki felt something brush up against his hand. It made him jump and look up.

"Sorry, kacchan. That was me, heh. I was- uh- looking to.. hold your hand maybe? If you want." Izuku stopped walking and held out his hand to katsuki, smiling.

Katsuki aggressively took izuku's hand with a huff. "Tch. You're such a simp, izuku." Katsuki liked holding izuku's hand but it always made him nervous, since his quirk made his hands extra sweaty.

Izuku never seemed to mind, though.

They continued walking, katsuki looking at his feet. He was.. nervous about nesting with izuku. He'd never built a nest with anyone before. Did he bring enough materials?

Well, probably. since katsuki was hauling a giant suitcase behind him that was full of materials, then he had a backpack on with clothes for him in it and a shoulder bag with extra stuff in it. It was a lot, but wasn't very heavy thanks to katsuki's big alpha daddy muscles. (joking I swear 💀💀)

"Hey kacchan, we're here." Izuku said, startling katsuki out of his thoughts.
Katsuki looked up to see the big apartment complex infront of them

"Which set of stairs do we go up, nerd?"
Katsuki said with a roll of his eyes.
"Uhm, that one!" Izuku said,  nodding his head towards the building.

"Ah yes, 'that one'. How the hell am I supposed to know which staircase you just nodded at?" Katsuki retorted.

"Eh- just come on, kacchan." Izuku pulled katsuki and dragged him toward one of the staircases. They started going up the stairs and their suitcases kept making noise as they hit each step.

They arrived at apartment 121 in no time, izuku knocked on the door with the hand that wasn't holding katsuki's.

After a few moments, inko, with her rabbit-like features, opened the door and her face lit up as soon as she saw her baby's face.

"Izuku! I'm so glad to see you!" She said with the widest smile possible. She opened the door wider to see katsuki's face. "Hey ma-" izuku started to say before he was interrupted by inko.

"Katsuki! Its been too long! You've grown so much! Izuku should have brought you around sooner, ever since I heard about your two's relationship I've been dying to visit with you-"

"Mom, can we come in please?" Izuku said with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Oh yes, ofcourse baby! Here, your bags must be pretty heavy!" She moved out of the way of the door frame. Izuku blushed. It seemed like she only ever called him embarssing names in front of his friends, (like baby, bunny, iku, fluffle,) which ofcourse wasn't true. She called him her baby all the time.

Izuku rushed to his room to put his bags down, and katsuki was left in the genkan with inko.

"So, katsuki. How've you been? You've put on a lot of muscle and grown a lot, thats for sure! UA must be working you hard." Katsuki nodded, "yeah, I've been training a lot. Though, I haven't grown since me and izuku's first year at UA, he's grown the most. 'S tallest in our class." Katsuki replied to inko, in a calm tone of voice.

"I know! He's grown so much, the doctors told us he wouldn't grow past 165 centimeters (5'5")! I'm so proud of my little fluffle." A 'fluffle' is technically a group of 10-50 rabbits but inko called izuku 'fluffle' because he seemed to have the energy of multiple bunnies as a kid, he was always jumping off the walls. Figuratively and sometimes even literally.

Izuku walked back into the room and went over to katsuki. "I can bring your bags to my room for you, kacchan. If you want." Izuku said with a cheeky smile. Usually katsuki would tell him to 'fuck off, I can bring my bags myself.', but he was actually having quite the pleasant chat with inko right now so he just handed izuku his bags with a nod.

"I'll un-pack them myself, just put them down wherever there's room." Katsuki said to izuku with a small, but noticeable smile. "You got it, kacchan. I'll be back in a minute!" He ran off to his room fast again.

"Did izuku say you're staying in his room? You can sure stay in the guest room, if you want more room, katsuki. I know you've always liked a space for yourself." Inko said, smiling sweetly.

"That's alright, auntie. Izuku asked me to stay in his room. He wants us to make a shared nest. We haven't made a shared nest yet." Katsuki said to inko. He tried not to let any sass out into his words, inko deserved his up-most respect. Especially since this is sorta a meet-the-parents type of thing since he hadn't seen inko since he and izuku started dating.

"That's sweet. Do you and izuku need any extra blankets? We have extras in the closet." inko said. Izuku has told katsuki that she had always been the most supportive ever of their relationship, but katsuki didn't know she'd be This supportive. He doesn't mind, though. It's sweet she loves her son this much. And katsuki is glad she likes him, too.

Izuku walked back into the kitchen again, looking energetic and excited. This foot was thumping against the ground again and his ears were twitching. Common tics in rabbit hybrids when they have to much energy.

"Okay! The room is ready, wanna go???" Izuku said over-excitedly.
"Tch, sure. Talk to you later, auntie."

"I'll make you guys snacks- ill be at your door in a few minutes so you better be ready." Inko said with a competitive look on her face.

Hey guys! This chapter ended kinda abruptly but I wanted to get it out soon because I was slacking for a kinda long time compared to my other chapter's release times. I've been working on this chapter for a couple of days and right now its almost 1 in the morning my time so goodnight I guess 😅 hope you enjoy ❤ (about 1100 words hehe)

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