Part 2 of 'A Party?!?'

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"Let us in ya dork."

Bakugou said. Midoriya noticed that bakugou said, 'us' meaning he isn't alone. Midoriya looks behind bakugou to see kirishima holding a box of soda, sero with his hands in his jean pockets and shinso who was giving kaminari a piggyback ride.

"Oh! Uhh.." midoriya looked back at Mina to ask for confirmation who excitedly nodded her head.

Midoriya opened the door wider and stepped aside so the boys could enter the dorm. It took shinso and kaminari a while longer because the needed to find a way to get through the doorframe while staying in the piggyback ride.

Only for shinso to set kaminari onto the ground as soon as they were inside.

"Uh, why are they here?"
Uraraka asked

"I invited them, silly! I thought it'd spice up the party!" Mina replied with a grin. "We were just playing truth or dare, you guys can join!" Mina said giving the boys a thumbs-up.

"Yes, we'll even re-start the game so everyone can feel included." Momo said proudly, with her hands folded oh her lap.

That statement gave midoriya a sense of relief, since she was scared they were going to resume to the part where midoriya had to tell them her crush. and that would be humiliating especially since that person is in the room.

"Alright! So everyone just sit In a circle!

Everyone sat in a circle. Clockwise from the door was, Mina, Kirishima, Jirou, Kaminari, Shinso, Momo, Ochako, Tsuyu, Sero, Midoriya, Bakugou and then Mina again.

"Okay! Since it was midoriya's turn last, it should be her turn to ask someone the question!"

"O-oh okay! Uhm. I'll ask... Momo-san. Truth or dare?"

"Thank you for asking me midoriya. I'm glad that I have an opportunity to engage in this game with you all..  i'll pick truth!" Momo responded.

"Umh, you're welcome!" Midoriya blushed. "Your question is.. uhh... have you ever broken UA's rules? like, not for an emergency of any kind, just because you wanted to?"

"Oh, thats an interesting question midoriya! I'd have to say yes.. though I'm not proud of it. There was two times, actually, the first time was when.." Momo looked over at bakugou. "Uhm. T-the first time was w-when Bakugou got uh, k-kidnapped." Momo didn't want to say it, because she knew that bakugou didn't like it when people brought up 'the incident' and she was worried that saying it might trigger some PTSD for him. Momo looked over at bakugou again, bakugou looked a bit uncomfortable but other than that he didn't look like he was panicking or anything.

"And the second time was an few weeks ago when I was sick.. and kyoka was sick too.. I wasn't actually sick... I was just pretending so I could take care of kyoka when she was sick." Momo continued.

"That was very nice of you Momo.." jirou said with a slight blush on her cheeks. "Okay! Well, momo, its your turn to ask someone! And it can't be the person that asked you, so you can't ask midoriya." Mina

"Alright,, uhhm.. kaminari-kun! Truth or dare?" Momo said, with some energy back in her voice.

Kaminari was having a conversation with shinso, and wasn't paying attention to the game.

"Denki, yaoyorozu asked you a question." Shinso said to denki.
"Really? I didn't hear" he said to shinso before turning to momo. "Whats up mom-o" nowadays, for some reason, Kaminari keeps calling her mom-o instead of momo. He's explained that its a play on her name since she acts like a mom, but he's been doing it for almost a month now at this point.

"Oh I asked you truth or dare." Momo replied. "Oh yeah! I forgot we were playing that... dare! I'll sacrifice myself to entertain you all!" He said dramaticly, fake-fainting onto shinso.

"You've been hangin' out with sparkles to much, ya know that dunce-face?"
Bakugou said with an 'are you serious?' Look on his face.
"Nah I think i've been hanging with him juuuust the right amount." Kaminari replied with a smirk.

"have you thought of a dare yet, mama?"
He asked momo, who was looking down at her phone. "Oh God. The nickname is evolving." Jirou said with a fake-worried look on her face. Which pulled a few laughs from the small crowd.

"Yes, yes I think I've found a dare that will suffice. I had to look one up because I couldn't think of a dare that would entertain people!"
Momo said.

"Lay it on me, mama!" Denki said,, making Jirou roll her eyes. "Alright! So it says, that I have to ask you to, 'read your search history outloud'!" momo said, looking at her phone.

The room went completely silent. Izuku expected this question to come up eventually tonight, she just wasn't expecting it to be momo who asked.

"Uhhmm.. aLRight.' Kaminari's voice cracked as he spoke. He doesn't remember anything 'inappropriate' being in his search history but he was still anxious. The world was moving in slow motion. Sweat was dripping off of kaminaris chin as he went to press on google. "A-alright.. soo the l-last thing I searched was... 27x6.. then it was 7x21.. t-then-" kaminari was interrupted by bakugou. "Skip the math questions, dumbass." Mina then spoke up "yeah kami! We want the juicy stuff!" She gave kaminari a thumbs-up. "O-oh okay.. uhmm its 'does McDonald's still serve the mcgriddle'..

(yall are getting a piece of MY personal search history with this one 😈)

"Then uh.. its 'cast of nimona'.... because I was watching it and I though one of the characters sounded like shadowweaver from she-ra and it was t-the same voice actress.."

kaminari wiped the sweat off of his forehead before clearing his throat and continuing.

"T-then its, 'whats the word for being everywhere at the same time'... and that's about it for the interesting ones.. sorry guys." Kaminari finished talking.

"Awe come on! How come there's nothing spicy in your search history!" Mina said. "Who searches up inappropriate things on google though..?" midoriya joined in. "Thats true" kirishima said. Soon, most people were talking.

"Okay okay!! Let's just continue with the game. Kaminari! You get TO ASK SOMEONE." Mina walked closer to kaminari and got closer to his ear. "Remember what we agreed to? You gotta ask bakugou, okay?" 'Let's just hope he picks truth...' mina thought. Kaminari nodded.

"Okay. So, bakugou. Truth... or dare?" Kaminari asked bakugou.

"Tch. Ill pick...."

(Hello! This is an authors noteee. This chapter is way to long compared to the last part but the "oneshot" if you can even call it that anymore, will be rapping up by next part. This was a LOT longer than I intended it to be, but why not make it longer, am I right?)

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