A Party?!?

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BAKUDEKU Fem!izuku male!katsuki, no smut, fluff, drama, wingman!kirishima ;)

Tonight.. was girls night. Izuku didn't nessasarily like girls night to much because it was much to loud for her taste. Mina teaching Uraraka how to twerk and other... suggestive dances,

jirou showing tsu her favorite songs which were VERY heavy metal and Momo just trying to clean the spilled popcorn off the floors-

Izuku felt like she didn't belong. She tried to brush off the impending doom that awaits her tomorow at class, because, well, she was SUPPOSED to be studying for a test that's tomorrow, but then Mina suggested a girls night, and Uraraka jumped on the idea, tsu wanted to go, and momo "had" to tag along to help with the party.

Not that izuku didn't like momo or didn't want her there, but izuku was pretty sure that momo really just wanted to go to girls night.

And then the rest if the girls got roped In, so izuku really couldn't say no. She wanted the other girls to like her since she didn't have any girl friends her whole life since she stuck so close to katsuki, then katsuki only had friends that were boys so it just happened that izuku didn't have any friends that were girls.

"Uh, hey, we should turn the music down.. we don't want Aizawa-sensei to get mad, its pretty late..."
Izuku said. Which was true, but also she had a headache. Not only from the music but also from the lingering smell of nail polish since momo helped jirou paint her nails.

"Nah! Come on izuku! Get involved a little, this is a party!" Mina said, making jirou look at her.

"I don't know mina, ill just turn it down a bit.. I agree with Midoriya that we shouldn't make sensei mad, especially after what happened earlier today.." jirou said While turning around to change the volume on her speaker. 

"Oh come on! Bakugou was fine in the end. There's no reason that this should un-party the party!" Mina replied.

"Well that still doesn't mean we should make Aizawa-sensei mad. he was pretty shaken up for quite a while after that building almost collapsed on bakugou.. kero." Tsu said.

"It was especially scary because Aizawa-sensei is barely even phased when something like this ALMOST happens!" Uraraka said "He's always like- 'why should I care about when something DIDNT happen? Its a useless waste of time.' " Uraraka gave her best Aizawa impression which made some of the girls laugh.

(You might be asking, where's hagakure? Well she's on vacation ofcourse! Get with the program... I totally didn't just forget to add her... :D)

"Yeah.. I guess thats a good idea to turn down the music after all heh." Mina said with a chuckle.

Everyone went back to what they were doing while izuku was just looking at Mina. Mina was staring down at her phone with intense eyes and lots of concentration, typing something. Maybe she was texting? Izuku isn't nosy so she brushed it off. The room eventually got uncomfortably silent until Mina spoke up.

"Hey guys! We should play a.. game.." Mina said with an evil smirk, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Thats a great idea to get some bonding done! What do you have in mind, mina?" Momo responded.

All eyes were on momo now. She was confused on why everyone had that look on their faces. The look was one easily identified by midoriya as a face that said, 'you shouldn't have said that'.

"Weeellll.. how about...." Mina said, prolonging her words. "Strip poker?" Mina said with the same evil smirk as before.

Gasps came from almost everyone in the room except for jirou who honestly expected this.
"T-thats a very inappropriate game Mina! We can't play that, im sorry." Momo said, and most people in the room agreed except for jirou who said nothing, and instead observed the room.

"Aww! Well then fine. How about.. truth or dare..?" Mina replied. Izuku has seen this tactic before- Mina proposed something really extreme first to make the next suggestion seem not as bad.

"I suppose thats alright.. as long as the questions aren't to absurd, and someone can say no to answering without being peer-pressured!" Momo said with her back straight and her finger in the air.

"Allright!!!" Mina said. She then moved the snack table in the middle of the room to the side with the help of midoriya, so they could make room for sitting in a circle on the floor. She then instructed people to sit in a circle and Mina agreed to ask a person first.

"Hmmmm.....HMMMMM..... who should I choose.. who should I choose..." she said while walking around the circle, looking at each individual.

"MIDORIYA! I CHOOSE YOU!" Mina said while pretending to throw a pokeball at midoriya. "Truth or dare!" She said, plopping back into her spot in the circle into criss-cross.

All eyes were on izuku. "Uhh.. u-umm.." midoriya stuttered.
Midoriya wasn't planning on doing a dare just yet, until he saw what intensity of dares Mina has planned. "I choose.. uhmm truth?"

"Oki doki! Midoriya...."
Mina stood back up and started walking towards Midoriya in a dramatic sense. "Who.. do you have a crush on!"

Gasps came from around the room except from jirou who rolled her eyes. "Mina? A crush? Really? What are we, Middleschoolers?" Jirou said. "Oh shush! Let her answer!" Uraraka said.

"I-im sorry! I meant to uhh choose dare.." midoriya said, thinking she was safe. To be honest, she has.. gained a sort of attraction..to katsuki. Which she didn't want people to know! They only saw katsuki being mean to izuku, which is why she didn't want to tell them because they'd think she was some sort of masochist.

"Oh okay! Well then I dare you.."
Mina said.
"To tell us who your crush is!" Mina said with the biggest smirk possible. "Oh! Uhh. Uhmm-"

"Mina, what did I tell you! If midoriya doesn't want to answer then we shouldn't pressure her." Momo said.

"Oh come on! She was so close to answering! Is it someone in this room?" Uraraka said with a small blush on her cheeks.

"N-no! Its not uhmm.. i-ill tell.." 'well there goes my dignity out the window..' midoriya thought.

"My.. Uhh.. the person I like.. isss..." midoriya was prolonging her words, she was secretly hoping some handsome prince -preferably by the name katsuki- would come and save her from this embarrassment..

"Huh?!" Mina spat "i-i'll get it!" Midoriya yelled. "What!?! NOO!" Uraraka said.

"Hello?" Midoriya said as she slowly opened the door.

She was face-to-face with katsuki. Well, not exactly face-to-face, more like, face-to-chest since katsuki is so much taller now.

"Let us in, ya dork." Katsuki said.

(Hey guys! Authors note here, if people actually like this one-shot, ill probably do a part 2 but I wanna get this first part out ASAP hehe)

♡BHNA Oneshots♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz