Bird Chase

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Poppy: So, John Dory, who wrote that song "Girl, I Love Your Love, Girl?"

John Dory: I did.

Poppy: Cool! Who wrote "Girl, You Break My Heart, Girl?"

John Dory: I did.

Poppy: So cool! Who wrote "Girl, I Love Your Love, Girl, You Break My Heart, Girl, I Still Love You, But I Seriously Think We Should Have A Talk About Our Relationship, Girl?"

John Dory: Oh that was Branch.

Poppy: Shut up! That was my favorite BroZone song like ever!

John Dory: JK! Also me!

Branch groaned hearing his brother and girlfriend talk about those mouthful songs he never understood. I mean...who would title a song with nearly 30 words?! Does he need to make an acronym for them?!

John Dory: Branch has never written a song.

Branch: I was a baby! What did you want me to write about?! Diaper rash?!

John Dory: Okay, take it easy, Bitty B.

Poppy started to get concerned when she saw Branch getting irritated.

Poppy: Branch, what's wrong?

Branch: Nothing, I'm super happy. This is our most fun mission yet. Yay...

Both of them slid on the pool noodles parallel to each other.

Poppy: Branch, do you know how lucky you are?! A brother is a friend who can never leave you, it's the strongest bond in the world! I would kill to have a sibling to sing with!

Branch: Yeah, well, you can have mine.

Poppy: Okay, fine.

They both made it to the bottom and Poppy walked off almost immediately. Branch realized that he must've upset her with that comment.

Branch: Poppy, wait.

Tiny slid down next to Branch and smirked.

Tiny: Grown up stuff, am I right? You know I still got that thing if you want it.

Branch: Whoa whoa, don't be waving that thing around!

Branch quickly caught up with Poppy hoping that he didn't make a fool of himself in front of her.

Poppy: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you didn't wanna talk about your brothers.

Branch: Poppy...I'm sorry. I guess I'm still adjusting to having my brothers's been over 20 years since I last saw them.

Poppy: ...Branch, be honest, do you want your brothers back?

Branch sighed, he couldn't lie to his girlfriend, she hated when he wasn't honest with her, and he could tell she was clearly upset when he never told her that he had brothers.

Branch: be honest...I don't know. I haven't seen them in so long, and...I just don't know if I should forgive them or not. But...

Poppy: But what?

Branch: ...I do know one person that I want in my life.

Poppy: Who?

Poppy suddenly blushed when Branch took her hands in his. Right away, she knew what he was talking about.

Branch: You.

Poppy:, I...

John Dory: Uh...hate to interrupt you lovebirds, but...

Poppy and Branch turned to John Dory who pointed upwards. When they looked up, they saw a huge parrot perched on a tree staring down at them.

Poppy: ...What is that?

Branch: Nobody move...! One tiny sound and we're all bird seed...!

Poppy rolled her eyes, she knew that Branch was terrified of birds, and obviously he saw them as a real threat.

John Dory: Same old Bitty B...always assuming the-

Branch suddenly gasped when he heard his brother step on a twig and it snapped. The parrot suddenly squawked and flew in their direction.

Poppy: Uh oh...

Branch: RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone ran for their lives evading the parrot each time it swooped down with its talons out.



Branch: NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!

The parrot swooped down again and everyone ran faster trying to evade it. Poppy suddenly tripped and fell to the ground giving the large bird an advantage. She gasped when she saw it heading her direction.

Poppy: No no no no no...!

The parrot squawked loudly getting Branch's attention, he gasped when he saw Poppy's life on the line.

Branch: Hang on, Poppy!!!

Poppy started to hyperventilate as the parrot closed in on her pinning her down with one of its talons, she started screaming and squinted her eyes bracing herself for whatever was about to come...

Just in the nick of time, Branch whacked the parrot with his hair and it tumbled backwards into a bush down below. He seized the opportunity and carried Poppy bridal style. Once he was sure it was safe, he gently placed her on solid ground.

Branch: You okay?

Poppy: Yeah...yeah...thank you, Branch.

Poppy gave her boyfriend a huge hug and kissed him on the cheek. Branch began to blush but he hugged her back anyway.

Branch: Just...just don't do that again, okay?

Poppy:'re really brave, Branch, you know that right?

Branch: Yeah, I guess...

Poppy: No, I really mean it, not a lot of people will stand up against their biggest fear, but you did. You were amazing back there. You showed no fear, and I don't know how I can ever thank you.

Branch: Um...thanks, Poppy.

Poppy took a few deep breaths and the two caught up with John Dory.

John Dory: Where have you two been? We're almost there!

Branch: It's a long story...I'll tell you later.

Poppy smiled and rested her head on Branch's shoulder as they continued on their way to Vacay Island without any other interruptions.

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