The Bad News

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Old records, pie recipes, music, all painful memories that remind Branch of his late grandmother, and some other faces he never mentioned over the years, but should he really be spilling the beans? They just seemed like a distant dream rather than a memory. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he glanced at the records.

Poppy: Branch...?

Branch was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the voice of his beautiful girlfriend. Just seeing her in such a beautiful dress put him at ease, this troll could someday become his wife just like he always dreamed of.

Poppy: Are you alright? You're smiling and crying at the same time it kind of looks like it's hurting your face.

Branch: It does hurt my face. I guess I'm just missing my um...grandma. I was just listening to some of her...old records.

Branch began to put the records away, but Poppy caught sight of them and snatched one from his hands.

Poppy: BroZone?! I love BroZone!

Branch: Really?! I mean, really?

Poppy: I didn't know you liked them too!

Poppy tossed the record aside.

Branch: I don't! I actually hate listening, it's a new thing.

Poppy turned to Branch a little confused, he looked down at a fake watch on his wrist.

Branch: Oh, look at the time! We're gonna be late to the royal wedding! Let's go get married!

Branch took Poppy's hand and sped off, Poppy gasped and suddenly stopped him.

Poppy: Branch!

Branch turned his attention to Poppy, she has a shocked, but also terrified expression on her face.

Branch: What?

At that moment, he realized what he just said and quickly took it back.

Branch: I-I mean, let's get Bridget and Gristle married.

Poppy's scared expression turned into a relieved one.

Poppy: Yeah, phew, 'cause it would be weird if we got married!

Branch: Yeah.

Poppy: Wow.

Branch: So weird...

Both trolls held hands awkwardly, facing random directions instead of at each other.

Poppy: It's so weird that we're still talking about it, it's like, 15 seconds later.

The two started making retching noises sounding like it would've been terrible. Inside Branch's head however, it would've been the best thing in the world, marrying the most beautiful troll in the world. The troll right in front of him, wearing a beautiful bridesmaid dress, he couldn't imagine being with anyone else but her. She's all he ever wanted and all he ever needed, he genuinely loved her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and become her king.

Poppy: Oh, Branch, we should go get ready!

Branch had been so absorbed in his fantasy wedding that he forgot about the real wedding that was taking place.

Branch: Right,'re right.

The two trolls parted ways for the time being and went to prepare for the wedding.

Trolls and Bergens alike all gathered around to celebrate the union of Bridget and Gristle.

Miss Maxine: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the bonding of King Gristle and soon to be Queen Bridget.

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