Chapter 26: A Mother's Love

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"Alright, we need to hold it off for now so it doesn't hurt anyone," Antonio's authoritative voice cut through the chaos, commanding attention from the group as Pokemon hustled to guide civilians to safety. The menacing Koraidon wreaked havoc, mercilessly tearing through an automobile, reducing metal to shreds.

"Grug, Jamie," Antonio directed, singling out individuals for specific tasks. "You two, we need you to especially help people. Angel, be on standby. JJ-hey, JJ? JJ!"

JJ, Antonio's twin, stepped forward with a determined stance, locking eyes with the rampaging Koraidon. As the Legendary snarled in response, JJ discarded his vest, his gaze unwavering. With a swift motion, he released his Metagross, a silver quadruped that descended to meet the asphalt with a resounding crash.

"No," JJ uttered with growing intensity. "No. Not here. Not now. Not with all these people."

His voice rang out louder as he pointed at the approaching Koraidon, brandishing a spherical stone at the end of his necklace, gleaming with a rainbow sheen. JJ's defiance echoed in his words, "Hear me, asshat? You ain't coming for these people!"

With dramatic flair, he removed the stone from his necklace, raising the tension as he yelled at the advancing beast. "You hear me?! The line is drawn here!"

In a seamless motion, JJ tossed the chain up, catching it with a triumphant expression. "You will go no further!"

A thunderous crack reverberated through the air, and golden light exploded as the stone burst, mirroring a similar transformation happening to the Metagross, concealed beneath a headband with a matching stone. Blue and gold energies converged, enveloping the steel creature as it underwent a stunning metamorphosis, revealing a form primed for destruction. A rainbow sigil flashed, and the newly transformed Metagross roared defiantly at the approaching Koraidon.

"Hear me?!" JJ's voice echoed, filling the air. "You go no further! We're putting you down, right here and now!"

With an air of surprise and a glint of competition, Koraidon swiveled around, locking eyes with the newly gleaming mega-evolved Metagross. The colossal beast gracefully assumed a battle-ready posture on all fours, signaling the commencement of the next round. Swiftly, the golden titan lunged toward the Metagross, initiating a Flare Blitz. In a nimble evasion, the metallic creature levitated out of harm's way, attacking from the air with a Shadow Ball. Capitalizing on its newfound agility, the Metagross zoomed from behind, executing Meteor Mash. Reacting with instinctive precision, Koraidon swiftly countered, parrying the attack with a brief but forceful Dragon Claw.

The battlefield echoed with the clash of intensified physical attacks, a frenzied exchange fueled by their respective newfound power surges. seizing the opportunity, Antonio entered the fray, summoning Gengar to aid in the relentless engagement against the legendary menace. The two Pokemon harmonized their efforts, diverting Koraidon's attention and allowing the remaining members of Faction One to disperse, initiating the city's evacuation.

Amidst the chaos, Jamie, running alongside Grug, couldn't resist a cheeky remark, "So uhhh... how big is this city again?" She twisted her cap in thought, adding humor to her query, "Like, on a scale of gigantic to Grayson's... wait, no, that's immeasurable-"

Completely oblivious to her banter, Grug continued his relentless pace, casting a perplexed glance her way as he fumbled on his words, trying to find a fitting response. Unperturbed by the lack of comprehension, Jamie burst into a hearty chuckle, amused by the comical exchange reminiscent of conversations with Tyler-a larger, hairier, and older version, but just equally as stupid and fun to mess with.

Witnessing Jamie's growing fatigue and drenched state, Grug acted swiftly, scooping her up and placing her on his back. A wide, friendly smile adorned his face as he reassured her, "Friend, relax! Grug carry!" Chuckling, he held onto her legs as they navigated through the city, their determination evident in every step.

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