Chapter 20: Dino Nuggies, Sleeping, Warm Bubble Baths and...

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Author's Note: Hey y'all! I know, I know, author's note beginning of chapter, yeah. While new readers won't know, for you people who never revisited Chapter One, just wanted to say that its mentioned in there Tyler's eyes are yellow. This is false, they were originally yellow, but I changed them to red, not a big change, but just thought I'd let y'all know. Anyways, enjoy yet another LONG ASS CHAPTER... THIS ONES 6300+ WORDS-

As the sun slowly ascended, painting the sky with its bright yellow hues. Its rays leisurely spilled over the horizon, filtering through the window to cast a warm glow onto the bed. Tyler's eyes gradually fluttered open, a deep, tired yawn escaping him as he stretched his limbs and sluggishly sat up, reluctantly parting ways with the realm of sleep.

"Morning already?" he mumbled, still ensnared in the cobwebs of sleep. The door creaked softly, drawing Tyler's attention. A smile crept across his face as he spotted Max entering.

"Huh? Oh uhhh... Come in!" he greeted with genuine warmth, his morning cheer shining through his still-tired eyes. Max chuckled as he approached, unfolding Tyler's neatly folded black and red hoodie and pants, laying them down on the bed.

Tyler's gaze shifted to his freshly cleaned clothes, and a subtle sense of surprise flickered across his face. He reached for them, his eyes widening at their immaculate states as he dragged himself out of bed, lazily putting them on. Looking up at Max, he flashed a grateful smile, appreciating the effort put into keeping his belongings pristine.

As Max turned to Tyler to return his smile, his attention was once again drawn to the sharp, crooked, yellow teeth that adorned Tyler's grin. "Oh yeah... you... haven't brushed your teeth, have you?" Max voiced out with concern.

"Hm? Uhhhh... I'unno... what's that?" Tyler shrugged, his tone a mix of curiosity and drowsiness. His posture hung low and slanted, not bothering to fix it as he looked up at Max lazily.

Almost as if he anticipated this exact response, Max grabbed onto Tyler's hand and guided him back into the bathroom. This time, he led him toward the sink in front of a mirror, activating Tyler's fight or flight instincts as he saw the reflection. He freaked out, witnessing not only another Max but also a stranger on the other side.

"AH- W-WHAT IS- T-TWO MAXS?" Tyler yelled panickedly, instinctively raising and clenching his fist. To his surprise, the reflection mimicked his every movement. Annoyed and pissed, he pummeled his fist into the mirror, colliding with the other's fist as they tumbled back, the mirror's glass cracking underneath the impact.

Growling angrily, they glared at each other, poised to land another punch, only to be stopped by their respective Maxs. Both Maxs quickly held down their boys. "WOAH WOAH CHILL OUT-" Max yelled frantically, trying to pull Tyler away as he attempted to explain the concept of a mirror and a reflection.

As he listened attentively to the explanation, Tyler took a glance at his reflection through the cracked mirror, tilting his head as the reflection followed. "So... that's what I look like?" Tyler asked, inspecting his reflection through the mirror, having never seen himself before till now. He smirked and giggled, clearly satisfied with his looks. "Hey... I look pretty badass, don't I?" He added with a hint of arrogance.

"Yeah, you sure do..." Max replied, engaging in his amusement. He slowly reached for a small red toothbrush on the sink counter, applying a small bit of toothpaste onto it. Tyler's attention was stolen by the toothbrush, and he gazed at it curiously.

Before Tyler could even utter a word of his question, Max answered, as if able to read Tyler's mind. "You'll see..." he smiled before starting to help brush Tyler's teeth thoroughly. While Tyler was rather shocked at the gesture, he trusted Max completely. He just stood there, letting Max brush his teeth, even if he didn't quite understand what he was doing as a mysterious, minty taste slowly spread throughout his mouth.

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