Chapter 17: Top of the food chain

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As they walked side by side, Tyler firmly held Max's hand. Max's demeanor was notably formal and serious, his gaze directed ahead as he walked, deep in thought. He seemed lost in contemplation, his eyes remaining closed. This inward focus compelled Tyler to watch the path ahead, concerned about his father, who had exhibited anger earlier and now remained unusually silent.

Feeling the need to break the disquieting silence, Tyler attempted to initiate small talk. "Hey, uhhhh... Max?" he inquired, his bright, childlike smile contrasting Max's seriousness. "You... you alright?" Tyler inquired, his warm smile aimed at Max. However, Max persisted in his silence, still lost in his thoughts. Tyler let out a sigh, his sense of unease deepening. Max was typically a conversational and friendly individual, so this change in behavior was truly disconcerting and left Tyler feeling a sense of discomfort.

The two continued down the hallway until they reached a door. Max paused and finally spoke, his eyes opening, "We're here... Christina's office." To indicate their arrival. He raised his hand and gave a gentle knock on the door to signal their presence.

Tyler, unable to comprehend the intention behind the knock, mistook Max's gesture as an attempt to break down the door. In his earnest but misguided effort to assist, Tyler clenched his fist, preparing to lend his strength to what he assumed was a door-breaking mission.

Just as Tyler's fist was poised to strike, the door unexpectedly swung open, moving out of the way of his punch. This sudden motion caught Tyler off guard, and he lost his balance, tumbling to the ground. Frustration bubbled up within him, and he impulsively let out a loud curse, his irritation directed at the door that had caused him to fall. Oblivious to the individual standing on the other side of the door, his anger remained focused on the inanimate obstacle.

Max's eyes widened in shock as he quickly helped Tyler to his feet, offering a hushed reprimand, "Hey, watch your language! Didn't Grayson tell you just now to show some respect?"

"I told you I don't speak nerd. What's respect and why should I show it?" Tyler retorted, his defensive tone suggesting his lack of understanding of the concept. With all the emphasis placed on this Christina person, he figured that "respect" was some highly sought-after trophy he needed to impress the big boss. "Besides, I was cursing at that Arceus-forsaken door. No need to be so-"

Their argument was abruptly cut short by a clearing of the throat, drawing Tyler's attention to the source of the sound-the door. Lacking common sense as always, Tyler growled at the door, interpreting it as a challenge. "YOU WANNA FIGHT?" he yelled defiantly, poised to strike the door with his fist. Max instinctively held him back, preventing any door damage.

Just then, from behind the door, a tall, slender woman would be revealed. She was elegantly dressed in a black gown, her long, silky black hair cascading down her back, and her bright yellow eyes gleaming with authority. Her hands rested gracefully on her gown as she addressed the two with a soft, motherly tone, which seemed at odds with the tension in the air. "Oh dear," she began, capturing their attention, "is something amiss, gentlemen?"

"Oh, Lady Christina," Max greeted with polite deference, relinquishing his grip on Tyler to stand upright and offering her a warm smile. Tyler looked up at the tall woman towering over him, captivated by her beauty. "Woah..." he whispered in awe, his eyes fixed on her, "Cracker lady is so pretty..."

Christina returned their smiles warmly, emitting a soft, melodic giggle. "My my... so, this is Tyler?" She asked, bending slightly to be at eye level with Max. Max nodded and gave Tyler a reassuring pat on the back as he introduced him to her. Tyler remained entranced by her beauty, though he also couldn't help but notice that her height was rather imposing and intimidating, standing about a foot and a half taller than him.

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