Chapter 15: Going nuts, and for the nuts!

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In the midst of the relentless pummeling from Pangoro's bullet punches, Petilil's anguished cries and screams reverberated throughout the cave, a heart-wrenching symphony of suffering. Her pain, though concealed by the physicality of the situation, echoed in the grim recesses of the cavern.

But unbeknownst to the malevolent Pangoro, this brutal assault was a catalyst for something extraordinary. Tyler, who had been unconscious, laying there motionless in Jamie's arm, his life hanging in the balance just like Petilil. The sight of her torment cut through his unconsciousness like a bolt of lightning. His eyes snapped open, and Jamie, who had been a helpless witness to this torment, let out a gasp of astonishment and relief.

"T-Tyler?" Jamie whispered in disbelief, her voice trembling with both surprise and hope. She watched as Tyler's gaze shifted towards the heart-wrenching scene, his eyes fixated on Pangoro's merciless attack. With a sense of urgency, Tyler swallowed the remaining Oran Berry juice that had lingered in his mouth, its healing effects coursing through his veins. The flow of blood from his extensive scar finally ceased, and he rose to his feet, a heavy silence enveloping him.

This newfound silence was unnerving, a stark contrast to the usual boisterous and playful Tyler. His demeanor was chillingly calm, his eyes fixed on Pangoro with a menacing intensity. Jamie's concern deepened, and she tried to speak to him, whispering her worry and care. But Tyler remained unresponsive, his lips curling into a grin as he stood up, pushing Jamie aside.

However, this was not the Tyler Jamie knew. His smile was no longer the goofy, carefree expression she had grown accustomed to. Instead, it bore a maniacal quality, one that sent shivers down her spine. The absence of his usual exuberance, replaced by this eerie stillness, painted a disquieting picture that left her with an unsettling sense of foreboding.

Before Jamie could utter another word, Tyler sprang into action. With astonishing speed, he charged toward the menacing Pangoro, which was in the midst of unleashing its final, devastating Drain Punch intended to obliterate Petilil once and for all. The torment etched onto Petilil's bruised form fueled Tyler's sprint as he pushed through the pain from his scar, his determination unwavering.

With each stride, Tyler's thoughts raced, his mind consumed by a maelstrom of emotions and unanswered questions. As he closed in on the battered Petilil, he found himself wrestling with a newfound sensation, one that had begun to take root earlier when he decided to intervene on her behalf. It was an unfamiliar emotion, one that clashed with his ruthless, self-serving hunter's nature. Tyler couldn't fathom why this feeling had chosen him, nor why it had chosen now, but one thing was clear-it was changing him.

Throughout his life, Tyler had lived as a relentless, savage predator, showing no remorse as he pursued Pokémon purely as a source of sustenance. Yet, recently, he had been experiencing moments when this strange, conflicting empathy surfaced. It had been what led him to spare Charmander, and now it surged within him again as he witnessed Petilil's brutal beating.

Tyler recognized that this empathy stemmed from shared struggles. In the unforgiving wilderness, he and Charmander had both faced the cold, hunger, and the looming specter of death. It was that common experience that had allowed Tyler to connect with Charmander and, surprisingly, with Petilil.

As he observed Pangoro's relentless assault, this unfamiliar feeling grew stronger with each blow, as if every punch only served to stoke the flames of empathy within him. In the wild, Tyler had been a relentless, merciless force, never once experiencing pity for his prey. But seeing Petilil's suffering was different; it struck a chord that resonated deep within him, evoking memories and emotions he couldn't quite place.

Tyler grappled with the sensation, questioning why he suddenly cared so deeply for a Pokémon being brutalized. What was it that made him feel this way? Why was he suddenly feeling bad for some wild Pokemon? The answer remained elusive, shrouded in confusion. One thing was certain: he would not allow Pangoro to escape unpunished.

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