Chapter 18: Faction One Dinner

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After a leisurely stroll, Max and Tyler finally arrived at the dinner hall. The sight of the grand dining table with all its potential for culinary delights drew Tyler's gaze like a magnet. "Woah," he murmured in sheer awe, his eyes fixed on the array of space where delicious food would soon be placed. His anticipation and hunger intensified, the rumbling in his stomach becoming more insistent, but a scan of the room didn't yield any culinary treasures yet.

Disappointment took over, and he sighed as he slumped his shoulders, those gleeful expectations fading. "No food yet?" he voiced his concern, his childish pout evident as he folded his arms. Max couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Tyler's impatience. He ushered Tyler to the table, encouraging him to take a seat. "Just be patient, Tyler. The food will arrive shortly. Let's wait a bit longer," Max reassured him with a gentle smile as he settled in beside him.

Tyler nodded in reluctant agreement, his stomach's protestations echoing his impatience. Restless, he plopped his head on the table, allowing a low growl of hunger to escape, his cheeks squishing against the smooth surface of the table cloth.

The room's tranquility was broken by the creaking of the door behind them. Tyler's head shot up, a spark of hope in his eyes as he turned his head to inspect the newcomers. Jamie and Grayson stood in the doorway, Grayson maintaining his usual air of professionalism as he held onto his friend.

"Are we late?" Grayson inquired with his customary stoic demeanor as he made his way to the other side of the table, relinquishing his grip on Jamie, who eagerly rushed to her seat beside Tyler. The sight of him well and unharmed lit up her face with a brilliant smile, in which Tyler returned with an equally friendly and wide smile of his own.

Max eased their concerns, addressing Grayson, "Not at all, you're quite early, actually. We're waiting for the others." His gaze, however, caught something peculiar on Grayson's jacket sleeve - a large, slightly faded red patch on his left arm.

Concern and guilt welled up in Max as he asked, "Grayson, are you okay?" The worry and guilt were evident in his features. Grayson, though, reassured him with a nod and a soft tone. "It's nothing, sir," he said, discreetly sliding his arm underneath the table, hiding the mysterious mark.

While Tyler and Jamie engaged in a spirited discussion of their own, their conversation echoed loudly within the dinner hall. They chatted about their recent adventure in Petalshade Forest, with Jamie taking a light-hearted jab at Tyler. "You really are a walking W, Tyler!" she giggled, nudging his shoulder playfully. Tyler beamed in response, though he didn't fully grasp her words. Their shared enthusiasm was enough to lift his spirits, creating an aura of joy and camaraderie around them.

In contrast, Grayson couldn't help but sigh as he observed the lively exchange between the two. He lowered his head slightly, focusing on his left arm, where a faded red patch marked the spot where he'd been injured. He applied gentle pressure to the area, hoping to alleviate the discomfort and find some respite. However, the ceaseless chatter of Tyler and Jamie made it impossible for him to relax, leading him to grumble in frustration.

Recognizing that rest was a distant dream in this setting, Grayson decided to sit up, turning his attention to Max, who appeared to be staring into the void, lost in his thoughts, his face pale and serious. Grayson couldn't help but express his concern. "Hey, sir...?" he began, snapping his fingers in front of Max to catch his attention. "You look pale, are you alright?" His tone was laced with genuine concern, having never seen him like this before.

Max managed to snap out of his trance, his eyes slowly turning to acknowledge Grayson's concern. He nodded weakly, but remained mostly silent, his mind still consumed by whatever thoughts had pulled him into that daze.

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