Chapter 23: The Plithos Butterfree

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As the duo leisurely progressed toward their destination, Tyler's body slouched, mirroring his impatience that resembled that of a restless child. The seemingly eternal walk weighed heavily on him, and he yearned for a quick in-and-out trip. Minutes dragged on, morphing into what felt like hours, testing his tolerance for the leisurely pace.

"Are we there yetttttt?" Tyler whined, hands buried in his pockets as he trudged along the path, following Grayson's lead. "No, not yet, Tyler," Grayson responded patiently, keeping his gaze fixed ahead. Unhappy with the answer, Tyler emitted a low groan of frustration, his stomach rumbling, a clear sign of escalating hunger. He regretted not tending to it earlier back at the base before it became an audible complaint. But now, with no turning back, he had to endure until the situation was resolved-an unfortunate wait that exceeded his initial expectations.

"Hey, uhhhh... you think we could just stop by somewhere to get some food? Little hungry here," he asked, his voiced concerns seeking a swift solution to silence his growling stomach. Grayson's response aligned with Tyler's expectations, "Not until this is done. Thought you would've gotten a quick bite back there, no?"

"I know... but... ugh, fine...." Tyler pouted, his long, messy hair veiling his face as he hung his head low, battling hunger. Despite his intense desire for food, he struggled to find the right words to convey his desperate need, leaving him unable to negotiate persuasively. Resigned, he decided to tough it out, recognizing that his recent experiences, particularly escaping that peculiar snowstorm in the wilderness, had been far more challenging.

Amidst the trees, not far from them in the otherwise deserted path, lay a young woman, her eyes were dazzling gold, like the morning sun, her pink hair long and vibrant, tied into pigtails with blue ribbons. A similar blue ribbon could be seen on the collar of the white buttoned shirt she wore, alongside her blue skirt. Strolling beside her were her loyal companions - Scizor and Butterfree, the latter perched on her head, occasionally obstructing her vision with its fluttering wings. They navigated the terrain with an unusual synergy. Isabella, engaged in a lively conversation with her Scizor, animatedly gestured and spoke.

"Can you believe it, Scizor? These trees-"

"-They've been here for tens, if not hundreds of years before us! They've witnessed more than our eyes can comprehend." Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and her expressive hand movements accompanied her words. Oblivious to her surroundings, she paid no attention to the two boys sharing the space with her, believing it to be empty except for her Pokemon. Grayson, uninterested in meddling in others' affairs, found her incessant chatter somewhat irksome.

"They've endured all the hardships we've faced and more," she continued, still absorbed in her monologue. "But they keep on pushing. Keep on reaching for the skylights."

Her Scizor, seemingly uninterested, managed occasional nods to feign engagement in the conversation. In reality, it was desperately waiting for her to quiet down and SHUT. UP.

In a bid to escape the endless stream of ceaseless chatter from the lady, Grayson turned around, expecting to find Tyler in his wake. However, a wave of shock washed over him as he realized Tyler had vanished in a matter of moments. How did he lose track of him so quickly? Just as confusion set in, the air was shattered by the sounds of someone struggling and choking, prompting Grayson and the woman's Butterfree to snap their attention toward the commotion.

Reacting swiftly, Grayson retraced his steps, and there he found Tyler, hands clamped on his throat, coughing vehemently in an attempt to dislodge the massive, unchewed Rowap berry stuck in his airway. Gathering himself, Grayson rushed to Tyler's side, vigorously patting his back to provide the force needed to expel the stubborn berry.

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