Chapter 11: The King of the Forest

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As Tyler and Charmander ventured further into the cave, the gloomy interior seemed to grow darker and more foreboding with each step. Their progress came to an unexpected halt when they encountered the same injured Corvisquire from earlier.

The Corvisquire turned around, its wary eyes locking onto the intruders. It emitted a quiet, worried squawk, gesturing with its wings for Tyler and Charmander to leave, a clear indication that it didn't want them to proceed.

Tyler, however, showed little patience for the bird's warnings. Irritated, he continued to press forward, causing the Corvisquire to go into a panic. The bird flew in front of Tyler, frantically flapping its wings, desperately trying to chase them out of the cave.

With an exasperated sigh, Tyler ignored the persistent bird's efforts, even when it latched onto his leg, trying to use its weight to deter him as he kicked it out of his way, "Stupid bird..." he sighed, clenching his fists in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Charmander began to share the Corvisquire's unease. The forest outside was in ruins, and the Pokemon seemed to be trying to communicate a message, even if it did come out as gibberish in Pokemon language, as if warning them about something lurking deeper within the cave. Charmander subtly expressed its doubts to Tyler, questioning the wisdom of exploring further. Its hesitant gestures and worried squeaks conveyed its reluctance to proceed.

Charmander's visible concern gave Tyler pause. Despite his attempt to appear fearless, the eerie atmosphere of the cave was getting to him too. Still, he reassured Charmander with a deep breath, determined to make their trip a quick one, hopefully secure some berries, and then exit the cave promptly. Clutching Charmander tightly and towing the persistent Corvisquire along as it grasped onto Tyler's leg once again, continuing their journey deeper into the cave.

As Tyler pressed on, the cave's atmosphere grew increasingly oppressive. A pungent, metallic odor filled the air, and Tyler had to pinch his nose shut with one hand while cradling Charmander in the other. The source of this foul scent soon became evident as he looked around-the walls of the cave were smeared and stained with dried blood. The dark, crimson streaks seemed to multiply as he ventured deeper, weaving a sinister tapestry on the cave's stone surface.

Accompanying this macabre display were the grim remnants of Pokémon corpses scattered across the cave floor. Tyler couldn't quite identify the species, but it didn't matter. Their lifeless forms bore the undeniable signs of cruelty and violence, serving as silent witnesses to the horrors that had unfolded here.

Some of their heads had been brutally decapitated from their split open bodies, that of which spilled blood that had now been stained the floors. Their organs poking out from the brutal holes in their bodies. Some even had their limbs brutally ripped off. Heck, some corpses even had their skin rotting off so badly that their skeletons started to show, a testament to just how long they have layed slaughtered for in comparison to the others.

The increasing number of deceased Pokémon filled Charmander with dread, causing it to curl up in Tyler's arms, frightened by the grim spectacle.

Tyler, however, didn't flinch at the sight of any of these dead Pokemon, no matter how gruesome they might be. His past as a ruthless hunter had desensitized him to such grim scenes. What concerned him more was the sheer brutality required to end so many lives and the power that the perpetrator must possess. Part of him urged him to turn back, fearing what awaited him in the depths of the cave.

Yet, he knew he had a mission to complete. He had to find those berries to fulfill Jamie's request. Besides, he wasn't exactly welcomed back to Jamie and Petillil empty-handed. With a deep breath to steady his nerves, he resolved to push forward, determined to uncover the mystery of the cave's horrors.

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