Chapter 14: She who cared

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Petalshade Forest, 2 years ago

As the golden sun cast its warm glow upon the lush Petalshade Forest, the day began with the cheerful symphony of chirping birds filling the air. Among these avian denizens, a pair of siblings, a Rookidee and a Corvisquire, soared gracefully through the emerald canopy, their wings carrying them effortlessly. Cradled in their talons were precious treasures-an Oran Berru and a Sitrus Berry, clutched firmly and with great care.

"Race you back to Mama Kangas'!" Corvisquire, the older sister, chortled mischievously as she playfully challenged her younger brother. With a gleeful chuckle, the Rookidee, ever eager for adventure, increased his wingbeats, his tiny heart racing as he pulled ahead in the aerial contest.

Amidst their exhilarating race, an unexpected intruder burst forth from the azure sky-a swift, green blur that struck the Rookidee with sudden force, sending him spiraling earthward. In the blink of an eye, Corvisquire reacted, diving after her plummeting brother, but her efforts proved futile as he landed with a gentle thud, his small form now fainted and vulnerable. Concern etched across her feathery features, Corvisquire swooped down to his side, her heart heavy with worry as she hovered protectively over him.

"ROOKIDEE!" Corvisquire's melodious cry filled the forest, her heart racing as she swooped down to rescue her fallen sibling with the utmost care. With gentle talons, she cradled him close, her wide eyes filled with worry and affection. "Hey there, little one. Are you okay? You didn't get too banged up, did you?" Her voice was laced with concern as she held him securely, her maternal instincts kicking in.

With his sister's support, the small Rookidee gradually regained his footing, his fragile frame trembling slightly. He turned toward her, offering a reassuring nod, conveying that he was indeed alright. However, his gaze shifted downward to the Oran Berry he had dropped during the encounter, a pang of disappointment washing over him as he observed its crushed form. "Awwwwwww... my berry..." he lamented, frustration evident in his tone.

Corvisquire, still enveloping her brother in her protective wings, directed her attention to the squashed Oran Berry. She let out a soft sigh before extending a wing to retrieve her own Sitrus Berry. "Hey there, it's alright. We can share mine," she reassured him with a warm, comforting smile. Her brother's cherubic face brightened as he embraced her tightly, grateful for her kindness and the sibling bond they shared, causing her to giggle. As they released their hug, Corvisquire turned her gaze toward a peculiar sight-a small, green, plant-like Pokémon lying before them. Tilting her head, she encouraged Rookidee to inspect the mysterious creature as they hovered nearby.

The injured Pokémon lay there, clearly having taken quite a tumble from the sky, its fragile form showing signs of injury. Intrigued, Rookidee hopped closer and curiously pecked at it. "Hey... this is the same thing that knocked me out of the sky!" he exclaimed with a tinge of anger, pecking harder as if to exact some form of revenge. "Take that! And that! And th-"

Corvisquire swiftly flew beside her little brother and gently held him back with one wing, a reassuring smile playing on her beak. Rookidee continued to flap and scratch her wing, trying to carry on with his assault on the unsuspecting Pokémon. Corvisquire chuckled teasingly at his futile attempts, her wing serving as an impenetrable barrier. With her other wing, she extended a gesture of assistance to the wounded Pokémon, helping it rise to its feet. As it stood, it was revealed to be a Petilil.

Petilil blinked as she slowly surveyed her surroundings, her eyes adjusting to the unfamiliar scenery. "Ugggghhhh... where am I?" she groaned, her gaze darting around anxiously. However, her panic intensified as she failed to recognize anything in this strange place. "W-wait... Why are there so many trees? Where's all the cotton?" Her voice quivered with confusion and fear as she searched for the familiar comfort of her home.

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