And the next time...

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A/n: This is like a part 2 to the last chapter, but it's significantly shorter (sorry!). Anyways, enjoy, and remember to look after yourselves!

I enjoyed this makeover significantly less than the last one. Scarlett had called me on her Imparter, telling me she had made another masterpiece out of my brother. 

So, naturally, I came over. And I walked in to see my brother, in a hot pink, very short, very low neck-lined dress.

 I was traumatised, to say the least. Like I-seriously-need-therapy-and-need-to-bleach-my-eyes-out-or-hire-a-Washer traumatised. No one wants to see their brother like that. Ever. 

Anyways, I immediately slapped my hand over my eyes, and said, "Well that image is burned into my cornea. I never want to see that again."

 I turned on my heel and walked out, with my hand still over my eyes. Bad idea. There was a loud thunk as I walked into the wall, and I swore under my breath, removing the hand from my eyes, but still making sure not to look at my brother, and walked downstairs, and outside, then light-leaped home.

 That was absolutely disgusting. But worth it. Scarlett said she sent photos to everyone else so I didn't have to see it again. That goodness for that.

Kyra SencenWhere stories live. Discover now