Chapter 10: Confrontation Above the Pit

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Mando stammered, taken aback, "Wha—a dragon? Are you sure?" Fixing him with a stern glance, I asserted confidently, "I know my own kin well enough." Slowly, I released my tail, ready to spring into action. Before launching off in pursuit of the mythical beast, however, Cobb placed a restraining hand on my dorsal fin. "Hold on there. You can't charge blindly at the Kyat Dragon—it'll swallow you whole in an instant." Irritation surged through me, compelling me to push him aside. "Don't underestimate me, mortal," I warned, eyes burning fiercely. Determined, I declared, "My mate defeated two Alpha predators. Out of respect for him, I shall bring down this dragon."

Fueled by purpose and rage, I catapulted into the sky, unfazed by the lack of support from the two men watching below. There was no room for compromise—not while a destructive dragon threatened lives, regardless of species. Even if these beings consisted solely of vulnerable human settlers, I refused to stand idle.

Ascending rapidly, I navigated using the distinct musky aroma emitted by the elusive dragon. Eventually, I pinpointed its location: a rugged mountain peak protruding defiantly from the midst of sun-scorched sand dunes. Landing delicately, I anchored myself into place, awaiting developments patiently.

Finally, unable to resist temptation, I vocalized a resonating gurgle, allowing sound waves to penetrate the depths of the den. Sure enough, I received a reaction almost instantly. The ground vibrated, gradually intensifying, signaling the emergence of the feared Kyat Dragon. Molten eyes locked onto mine, radiating hostility and confusion simultaneously.

Eyes squinting, I responded mockingly, "Who dares oppose me? Allow me to introduce myself—Petals, the Last Light Fury and reigning Queen of the Hidden World. I recommend following my commands."

The Ka'rax Dragon spat boiling cider onto the ground, forcing me to withdraw my extended talon hastily to prevent contamination. Wincing, I retaliated verbally, "Even the Creator cannot halt my battles. Not even someone like you, little dragon," I jeered, emphasizing his diminished stature compared to mine.

Lowering his massive head, the monster smirked malevolently. "You would make an excellent toy," he insinuated venomously. Enraged, I lunged, plunging my weapon straight into his sensitive eyeball. Yowling in pain, the monstrous wyrm jerked backwards, striking his skull against the mountainside repeatedly, generating echoing thunderclaps. Gravel and dust erupted everywhere, pelting me mercilessly.

Skilled reflexes saved me from getting crushed by falling rocks displaced by the titanic struggle. Immediately, I recognized the necessity for retreat, escaping beyond the enemy's range to recuperate and strategize. Only then could I deliver a decisive blow, ending the conflict permanently.

Upon touchdown on a nearby dune, unseen forces pulled me roughly to the ground, inciting panicked shock. Struggling against Dinn's solid armored frame, I protested, "Stop doing that!" Anger and anxiety rolled off him viscerally, but I sensed his relief when I reluctantly submitted.

Swiping my tongue along his metallic helm, I proceeded to explore the exposed area beneath, provoking a startled gasp from Dinn. Regardless, he refrained from stopping me, permitting my exploration of the warm flesh underneath his protective gear. Meanwhile, Cobb finished fastening his armor pieces, chiming in, "Enough with the foreplay—we need to eliminate that dragon." He motioned toward the cavern, filled with tortuous groans from the injured Ka'Rax Dragon.

Sensing resistance from Mando, I wriggled free, declaring boldly, "You shouldn't have come. I can handle this myself." Bravado masked vulnerability as I detangled myself from Mando's grip, determined to prove myself capable of facing the threat alone.

Frustration bubbled over as Mando rejected my plea. "No, I can't lose you," he insisted, oblivious to my emotional turmoil. Snapping back, I lashed out, "You bind yourself too much, Din," ignoring his wounded expression.

Seeking independence, I slid down the dune slope, aiming for isolation. Alas, obstacles persisted: Two Sand People blocked my path, brandishing their gaffi sticks defensively. Puffed-up wings displaying dominance, I demanded, "Step aside, Sand Breathers." Instead, they conversed amongst themselves, seemingly unaware of my mounting irritation.

Irked, I readied to attack when Din intervened, laying a gentle hand on my wing. Voice thick with emotion, he implored, "Please, Mel'Sha. Don't do this. Don't put yourself in harm's way when I can't protect you."

Disgruntled, I nevertheless yielded, pushing past the pair of Sand People and continuing ahead. Reaching the battlefield, I mentally prepared for combat, focused on avenging the fallen creatures destroyed by the Ka'Rax Dragon. Beside me, Din assumed formation, ready to fight back-to-back against the powerful adversary.

Reluctantly, I endured his brief embrace, accepting his anxious affections while secretly yearning for release. Too often, human emotions overwhelmed me, rendering rational thought challenging. Nevertheless, I tolerated it, understanding that love played a significant role in their nature. For now, we shared a mutual goal—vanquishing the dragon together.


Soon enough, we were prepared, and I positioned myself near the edge above the ominous emptiness of the Sarlacc pit. Although it wasn't my preferred course of action, I steeled myself for the task at hand. Summoning all my courage, I shouted the name I had used when I first befriended the Krakyt Dragon. As before, he emerged from the shadows with a low, rumbling purr. He looked at me quizzically and asked, "You couldn't stand the thought of harming me, could you?"

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Think again," I replied, throwing the plasma baton directly into his open mouth. The creature grunted and lunged forward, but I remained calm, knowing that it wouldn't take long for the weapon to strike its intended target. A moment later, I sensed the explosion within the beast—an agonizing burst of energy that reduced it to a messy shower of flesh and viscera.

The crowd around me cheered as I shook off the gory remnants clinging to my clothes and armor. With newfound confidence, I spread my wings wide and took flight towards Mandalore, leaving behind the gruesome scene of the vanquished dragon. Upon arrival, I received a subtle nod of approval from the leader, who acknowledged my victory with quiet respect.

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