Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

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It was a bitterly cold day on the remote desert moon of Arvala 7. The twin suns offered little warmth as their light beat down upon the barren, windswept sands that seemed to stretch endlessly in all directions. Kuiil, a veteran moisture farmer, went about his daily tasks under the merciless suns, though even their scorching rays provided no relief from the chill.

As Kuiil worked, a faint shrieking sound drifted across the dunes on the dry, frigid wind. He looked up from repairing a vaporator just in time to see a blur of white streak across the pale sky. Circling high above was an immense, winged creature with a serpentine neck and tail. Kuiil had heard tales of the fearsome dragons that inhabited the remote moons and planets of the Outer Rim, but never seen one up close.

Below the dragon, a pair of blurrgs that Kuiil had been training bolted across the desert sands as fast as their stubby legs could carry them. But they were no match for the speed and power of the dragon, which folded its leathery wings and plunged into a deadly dive. With claws extended and jaws agape, it seized one blurrg in each forelimb, snapping their necks instantly.

Kuiil watched in a mixture of awe and horror as the dragon made quick work of its prey, tearing flesh from bone with razor-sharp teeth as blood stained the snowy sand. Once sated, it raised its spined head and fixed its piercing blue eyes directly upon the lone farmer, as if sizing him up as another potential meal. Time seemed to stand still as man and beast stared one another down.

Then, with a thunderous roar that shook the dunes, the dragon launched itself skyward in a whirlwind of sand and beating wings. As it ascended, a bolt of blue plasma shot from its maw, disintegrating a boulder in the distance. And just like that, it was gone on the wind, leaving Kuiil to wonder if he might one day cross paths with the fearsome desert dragon again.


You had exhausted yourself after a successful hunt, dragging your heavy kill back to the shelter of the rocky outcropping that you called home. Gorged and tired, you laid down in the tall grass of a small clearing to rest and allow your meal to digest.

As the twin suns sank low in the sky, painting the desert in hues of orange and gold, your thoughts drifted to the lone farmer you had observed from afar earlier that day. Though hungry still, you had resisted the urge to claim his corpse.

From your resting place, you heard a faint noise carried on the breeze, jolting you from your reverie. Lifting your scaled head, your keen eyes scanned the landscape until catching a glint of reflected light up on a nearby ridge. Narrowing your gaze, curiosity overcame weariness as you pulled yourself up with sinuous grace.

You slunk through the grass toward the small hill, pausing to regard the dilapidated shelter of an abandoned homestead half-buried in the sands below. As you crested the ridge, the source of the glitter came into view - a metallic object resting upon a weathered stone. But you were not alone.

Before you stood a lone figure, armor gleaming in the dying light. You drew back your lips in a soundless snarl as the scents of weaponry and a hunter assailed your senses. In that moment, you found yourself face to face with the most notorious bounty hunter on this remote moon - the feared Mandalorian.

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