Chapter 3: An Uneasy Alliance

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You did not know why you agreed to let this man help find the child's people, but you felt you had little choice. And of all transports, why did it have to be a ship? You trembled as you walked the ramp, wings folded tight against your body in the confined space.

Mando noticed your discomfort. "Are you alright?" he asked in a low, soothing voice that rumbled pleasantly in your ears. You gave a sharp nod before nudging the carriage inside and coiling protectively around the small one.

"We'll stop on Nevarro first before going anywhere else," said Mando as he climbed to the cockpit. You twitched an ear in acknowledgment and laid your head down, focusing on the child's soft coos and the ship's engines that thrummed like a war drum. Soon you felt the lurch as it lifted off the ground.

Drawing a slow breath, you let it out and closed your eyes against painful memories that howled through your mind like angry wolves. Not today, you thought. For the child's sake, you would stay strong and see this journey through, wherever it may lead.


"I must warn you, Nevarro will not be safe," said Mando as he rejoined you below deck. You nodded, gaze turned away from him as fear gnawed in your gut. You could not let harm come to the child.

It cooed softly, sensing your unease, and fixed its large eyes on you just as it had done when you first found it alone. You felt your heartstrings pull as you rested your head next to its small form, nuzzling your snout gently against it. It cooed again, tiny hands grasping your face.

"You will be safe with your own kind, little one," you rumbled in the broken tongue that had suffered since your king abandoned the realm long ago. A heavy sadness weighed on you both, refugees in a changing world. But you had each other now, and this Mandalorian offered his protection also. With allies, even the lost could find home again. You would see the child there, whatever dangers lay ahead.

"Now, I don't mean to pry, but tell me a bit about yourself," said Mando as he sat cross-legged on the floor. You let the child wander off to explore while turning your attention to the bounty hunter. You knew he likely had a job in mind, intending to deliver the child to Nevarro for his reward. But you would not be dragged along meekly to an uncertain fate.

You hummed thoughtfully. "I am Petals," you rumbled, "and I hail from the planet of Berk...a place where my kind were once the most feared dragons. My old mate Toothless died at the hands of a hunter." You bared your teeth in a snarl at the memory.

Mando regarded you calmly, allowing you to speak at your own pace. "His name was Grimmel the Grisly, and he used me for bait," you continued, curling your tail close. A long scar ran from one fin to the next and up along your flank. "This is what he gave me when I turned on him and ended his life."

You fixed your azure gaze on Mando, meeting his visor steadily. "So you see, I have faced dangers before and survived. I will not be led meekly to any fate without a fight, if it threatens the child or I. Tell me truly - where do you intend to take us?"

Mando swallowed visibly as the gravity of his confession weighed on him. "I...intended to take you to an Imperial warship," he sighed.

You fixed him with a long stare before giving a low croon to call the child back to your side. It cooed and nestled between your forelegs, and you gently licked its green forehead. "Very well," you rumbled.

"Very well?!" Mando spun to face you in disbelief. "I tell you that you'll be captured by the Empire and you say it's fine?"

You lifted a wing to reveal a scar - the distinctive bite mark of a Night Fury. "This is what my mate gave me when he passed. A dragon from Berk never returns and stays away from men," you recited softly. Then you smiled without warmth. "I have already broken his promise."

Your tail lashed in agitation as the child fussed, sensing your unease. "What is the point in trying to atone when I would rather perish in flames than flee alone?" you asked Mando. "Take us to your warship, if that is your goal. But know that I will not go down without ensuring the child's safety first."

Your eyes gleamed with ancient cunning and ferocity. Mando knew in that moment he was in the presence of one who had survived much - and would fight with her last breath to protect her charge.

Mando nodded and lowered his helmet respectfully. "Very well, I only mean to say that I will protect you both if danger comes," he said quietly.

You huffed and rested your head once more, the child nestled safely against your side. "A fine sentiment, Mandalorian, but I am a queen of killers - I need no guardian angel," you replied, meeting his visor steadily.

Your ancient eyes then began to drift closed as weariness overtook you. It had been a long day, and you knew there were more trials ahead before you could ensure the child's safety. But you took comfort in his tiny breaths and the steady thrum of the ship around you.

As you slipped into a light doze, you sent up a prayer to any gods still listening that your wits and ferocity would be enough, whatever challenges awaited upon reaching Mando's warship. For now, you would sleep and gather your strength to be ready for the morrow.


You hated this place the moment you set foot upon Nevarro. The lava planet was too hot even for a dragon like you, born in icy climes where all knew your name.

"Stay close," said Mando, and you huffed in response. You stood out greatly in this steel town, your white scales untouched though blood had been spilled by your claws before. But you kept near the carriage, shielding the child within from prying eyes.

His fearful coos tugged at your heart, though you loathed any weakness. But you would not falter until every last Imperial threat lay dead, their blood painting the walls. Such was your way - you protected your own.

Mando led you through the streets, citizens scattering at your approach. You cared not for their fear, only the path ahead. Let them run - you had faced far worse than these scrabbling creatures, and would face it again to keep the child from harm. Your claws itched for battle, but you remained vigilant, watchful, a silent shadow at Mando's side.

Soon Mando led you swiftly to a towering spire and through a rusted metal door. You tensed as he spoke with a mechanical eyeball, then the doors groaned open and you slipped inside.

Two armored stormtroopers emerged, and you nearly struck them down on instinct alone. But you reined your fury, keeping it coiled tight within.

You followed Mando and the carriage deeper into the spire, the troopers trailing behind uneasily. At last you entered a large room where a well-dressed man sat behind a desk, a young doctor at his side.

"Yes, yes, yes," the pale man breathed, greed pouring off him in waves. You snarled in response, and he gasped, recoiling in fear. "You - you are - "

"The White Death, yes," you rumbled calmly. A smile bared your gleaming fangs. "But you may call me Death." Your lashing tail sent a trooper tumbling, and the room fell silent but for the child's coos.

You fixed your icy gaze upon the man, awaiting his next move. None here would threaten your charge without consequence, of that you would make certain. Let the games begin.

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