Chapter 4: Bloody Moonbeams

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 With a steely gaze, you scrutinized the white-haired man with unwavering intensity until he appeared fatigued by your relentless stare. You then made a command decision, summoning several Stormtroopers to apprehend you. However, things took an unexpected turn when you erupted into a bloodcurdling roar, causing those around you to quiver in fear. The piercing sound ruptured the eardrums of every human within earshot, sending them crumbling to the floor in agony. Even Mandalorian warrior, Mando, recoiled in discomfort as his protective helmet managed to filter out some, but not all, of the deafening noise.

 In a sudden burst of movement, you struck with ferocity, deploying razor-sharp talons and bared fangs that gleamed menacingly. Your powerful wings propelled you forward with blinding speed, slicing through the fragile armor of the Stormtroopers as if it were paper. They stood no chance against your brute strength, collapsing under your onslaught in mere moments, leaving nothing more than a grotesque pile of flesh behind.

The Child watched from his carrier, offering a soft coo of approval as you paused for a moment, giving him a gentle nuzzle before turning your attention back to the man who had orchestrated your capture. Within seconds, you pounced upon him, delivering a swift and merciless blow that ended his life almost instantly. You spat and cracked at the blood pooling beneath his lifeless form, eliciting a gasp of horror from Mando.

As quickly as you had transformed into a creature of destruction, you reverted back to your former self, shaking away the crimson stains that now adorned your fur. A small smile graced your lips as you gazed down at The Child, gently nudging his carrier closer to you. Burying your face deep within his chest, you reveled in the warmth of his tiny body as he giggled happily.Your eyes met Mando's once more, holding his gaze steady as you reached into the depths of your coat, retrieving a glinting piece of Beskar steel. Carefully, you offered it to the bewildered Mandalorian, whispering softly, "Take this to your covert, Mando. I will see you soon." And without another word, you turned and strode purposefully towards the exit, disappearing into the shadows beyond.

Mando stared after you in slack-jawed amazement, clutching the precious metal tightly in his hand. He could hardly comprehend the whirlwind of events that had unfolded before him - a peculiar encounter, indeed.


Exhaling deeply, you eliminated the final guard standing between you and your destination. Shrouded in darkness, you stepped outside, pushing the Child's pram ahead of you as you approached Greif Karga, the leader of the Bounty Hunters Guild. Upon locating him inside the common house, you activated the door controls on the pram, sealing it securely shut before confronting him directly.

In one swift motion, you closed the distance between yourself and Karga, pinning him forcefully against the solid surface of the bar table. Leaning in closely, your voice dripped with venomous anger as you growled, "You fool! Did you really think you would get away with betraying me? Didn't you realize that any bounty hunter who ends up on my bad side meets their demise?" Your words hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the weight of impending doom.

Cocking your head slightly, you studied Karga intently, skepticism etched across your features as you listened to his feigned ignorance. Unconvinced, you leaned in further, your eyes narrowed dangerously as you whispered threateningly, "You will never take me alive, Karga. Next time we cross paths, know this - I will not show you mercy again." As you released him, the pressure of your grip left three distinct points of bleeding injury upon his skin, each wound pulsing with fiery agony.

Fixing a cold, baleful glare upon the assembled patrons of the establishment, primarily composed of fellow bounty hunters, you slowly straightened upright, enunciating each syllable with deliberate precision. "Know this," you warned, "anyone who comes after me and this child shall never leave again."

Without another glance backward, you vanished into the night, leaving chaos and confusion in your wake. The echo of your chilling warning lingered in the air, instilling unease among those present - none daring to follow in pursuit.


Perched on the edge of his ship's ramp, Mando found himself lost in thought as he observed the serene beauty of the rising moon. Suddenly, a flash of white and blue illuminated the horizon, signaling your arrival. Dressed proudly in his newly crafted armor, Mando eagerly awaited your reaction to his enhanced appearance.

As you emerged from the stillness of the city streets, traces of blood marked your lips while a fresh tear marred your ear. Concern flooded Mando's senses, prompting him to ask urgently, "Who did this to you?" Rising to his feet, he touched the damaged area tenderly.

Shrugging nonchalantly, you responded, "No one, it's just a nick that ripped open again tonight. I assured you that Karga would stay off our backs." Despite the apparent severity of your injuries, you wore a faint smile, gesturing toward the Child affectionately.

With a graceful stretch, you flexed your resplendent wings, catching the silvery glow cast by the lunar orb overhead. Addressing Mando, you declared confidently, "I will accompany you; you rescued me, and together, we can ensure Gorug reaches his own kind safely." Nodding, Mando welcomed you aboard, inviting you to ascend the ramp alongside him. Pausing briefly before entering the vessel, you murmured appreciatively, "Oh, and nice armor, by the way."

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