Chapter 2: The Child

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Mando couldn't believe his eyes. Before him stood a magnificent white dragon, just like the one the Guild had put a bounty on. He stared in awe, for she was even more beautiful up close. She was as large as a draft horse, if not larger, with a rounded head unlike the depictions on the wanted posters around town. A silky mane ran down her spine in place of spines, and she was too graceful to be a deadly killer.

This dragon was afraid - he could see it in her piercing blue eyes. So Mando did what came instinctively: to calm a wounded beast. He slowly raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture. "I mean you no harm," he said in a low, even tone.

A rumbling snarl fell from her lips as she drew them back, revealing rows of gleaming white teeth. This female was strong - she could end his life with little effort if she chose. And yet she did not attack.

Mando remained as still as possible, not wanting to startle the magnificent creature. After a long moment, her snarl faded though caution still shone in her eyes. A strange understanding seemed to pass between bounty hunter and dragon in that quiet moment atop the ridge.

The dragon's ears twitched and she turned her head, looking towards the abandoned farmhouse. Mando followed her gaze and slowly raised his wrist to activate his thermal scanner, seeing nothing at first but wanting to understand what had caught her attention.

The dragon seemed intent on something within the dilapidated building, its doors hanging open yet revealing nothing to Mando's eyes. With a rumbling snurr, she slipped away from him smoothly down the small hill, as graceful as a white swan in flight.

Intrigued, Mando trailed behind at a distance, catching only a glimpse of her long tail as she stealthily crept inside. When he peered through the doorway, he saw her standing over an old baby carriage. A tiny sound emerged from within, and the dragon responded with a low, crooning purr as she nuzzled the occupant.

Mando gasped softly. Nestled in threadbare blankets was not the fearsome creature he expected, but an impossibly small and sweet green child. Its large eyes blinked up at the magnificent white dragon, who gazed upon the babe with evident care and protection. In that moment, Mando realized this dragon and her tiny charge were no mere beasts - they possessed a bond deeper than any he had ever witnessed.

" he yours?" Mando asked softly, not wanting to startle the dragon. She turned her gaze upon him, wrapping her long tail protectively around the carriage.

"No," she replied in a voice that, though clearly feminine, resonated with ancient power. Mando felt his heart quicken beneath his beskar despite himself - none who had seen this creature claimed she could speak.

"Then whose is he?" he asked, still trying to understand this strange situation. The dragon sighed, a sound both sad and weary. "I have known his kind since long before the Empire," she said. "But the one I knew is dead. I only know not where the rest of his people have gone." A flash of fear passed across her azure eyes.

Mando's heart clenched in sympathy. It was clear she cared for the child, yet faced an uncertain future protecting one so small and vulnerable alone. An idea began to form in his mind, though he knew not where it might lead. For now, he raised his hands in a calming gesture once more. "You have nothing to fear from me," he said gently. "I only wish to help, if I can."

The dragon turned her head and looked down at the small green babe in the carriage. "Very well," she rumbled softly.

Mando blinked in surprise. "What?" he asked. The dragon drew back her lips in the faintest hint of a smile. "I am called Petals," she replied.

Mando nodded slowly, processing this new information. He had not expected such an encounter when he set out that day. Placing a hand over his chest, he bowed respectfully. "I am Mando," he said. "And I offer you my services, if you will have them."

Petals considered him for a long moment, her intelligent eyes searching his visor as if trying to peer into his soul. Whatever she saw must have satisfied her, for she turned back to the child with a gentle croon. Mando took that as acceptance of his offer. He would stand guard over them until he understood more of this strange situation and where it may lead. For now, an uneasy alliance had been formed between a bounty hunter and the two beings the entire guild sought.

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