Chapter 5: Crash Landing

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A couple of weeks ago, when you first joined Mandalore's crew, the Mantis-class transport ship known as the Crest has been under attack from an unknown bounty hunter. Despite offering your assistance to confront the assailant and protect the vessel, Mandalore declined, expressing concern for your safety and insisting that he couldn't risk losing another member of his team. Reluctantly, you chose to respect his decision and focus on other tasks at hand.

Currently, you are stationed in the cockpit of the Crest, attempting to stay out of the way while Mandalore works diligently to repair the ship's systems and maintain control over its functions. Unfortunately, the Crest is sustaining significant damage during this ongoing conflict, putting both the ship and its passengers in jeopardy. As the battle continues, you remain vigilant and prepared to offer support should the situation demand it.

The young child, comfortably nestled against your chest, continued to enjoy your gentle caresses and occasional licks on their head, reassuring them of your presence and unwavering care. However, as the relentless pursuit by the bounty hunter intensified, Mandalore decided it was time to take action. With the ship violently shaking due to the impact of the enemy vessel, you quickly adjusted your grip on the floor, preventing yourself from being thrown off balance.

As the pursuer's ship collided with the wing of the Crest, causing substantial damage and nearly tearing it apart, Mandalore wasted no time. Upon reaching a safe firing range, he opened fire with a barrage of blaster bolts, exclaiming, "That's my line!" You chuckled softly, amused by the situation, and released your grasp on the floor, only to wince upon seeing the deep indentations left behind. Nevertheless, your quick thinking and adaptability proved crucial in protecting the ship and its occupants amidst the chaos.

Mandalore swiftly swiveled in his chair to examine your condition, concerned about the recent events unfolding aboard the Crest. Standing near the cockpit's edge, you had to slightly strain your neck and lean down towards the ship's hull to assess the damage more closely. Meanwhile, the child in your grasp giggled and gently rocked back and forth, enjoying the ride despite the tense circumstances.

Upon landing on the ship's hull, you turned to face Mandalore, who extended his hands toward the child. Carefully, you passed the child to him, cautiously releasing your grip while ensuring they remained secure in Mandalore's hold. In doing so, you accidentally bit down on your tongue, eliciting a few droplets of blood. This small mishap did not come from the child, but rather from your own actions. Gratefully, you managed to avoid any serious injuries and maintained your composure throughout the tumultuous situation.

"Are you okay?" Mandalore inquired, showing genuine concern for your wellbeing after witnessing the accident. You responded affirmatively with a nod, adding, "Yeah, I've stumbled worse." To illustrate your point, you flicked a wing, revealing a faint scar running along the membrane. Mandalore hummed thoughtfully, acknowledging your resilience.

He then retrieved a box of medical supplies from one of the nearby cabinets, a common precaution in such situations. You playfully frowned, emphasizing, "Don't think I need any medical assistance," as you lashed your tail and took a seat, gazing down at your captain. While you may have appeared unharmed, it was important to maintain awareness of potential issues that could arise later.

"Stick out your tongue," Mandalore instructed, and you reluctantly complied, rolling your blue eyes as you obliged. Feeling the cool air on your exposed flesh, you shivered as Mandalore's gloved fingers pressed against your tongue, examining the wound. He grimaced, noting the blood trickling onto the Crest's floor. "Your blood is poisonous," he stated matter-of-factly.

With a nonchalant shrug, you replied, "If it's inside my mouth, yeah," and carefully slipped your tongue back within your mouth, working your jaw to demonstrate that you were still capable of speaking without difficulty. "I promise you, a bit of tongue doesn't bother me; I'm used to the taste of blood," you assured him.

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