Chapter 8: Free Will & Firepower

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Seated around a crackling fire, I curled protectively around Mando and Gorgu, my tail swishing rhythmically as I listened to the surrounding darkness. Occasionally, Mando offered me bits of cooked meat while Kuiil attended to Gorgu's needs.

Karga wasted no time delving into business matters. "The plan involves us entering the premises, presenting the client with the 'bait,' and eliminating him," he stated matter-of-factly.

Irritation sparked within me, and I narrowed my eyes, challenging him directly. "And how can we be certain he won't attempt to capture or harm any of us before we even react?" I retorted sharply.

Exasperation etched itself across Karga's features, but he kept his cool, answering patiently, "Petals, I implore you to trust me, if only a fraction."

Skepticism dripped from my words as I responded curtly, "Trust you as much as a vaporator trusts a lightning storm."

Abruptly, tension filled the air as I sensed movement nearby. Faster than thought, my jaws parted, releasing a brilliant burst of purple energy that struck a winged predator attempting to ambush us. Alerted by the sudden commotion, everyone leapt to action, weapons drawn and readied.

Unfortunately, one particularly aggressive creature targeted my exposed flank, raking its peculiar claws along my delicate ear. Wincing at the unexpected assault, I instinctively recoiled, shielding Gorgu with my body. Simultaneously, Mando fired shots into the black expanse enveloping us.

Though mostly successful in deterring our assailants, one determined attack sliced clean through my sail, inflicting excruciating pain. In response, my pupils constricted involuntarily, signaling distress. Noticing my reaction, Mando urgently attempted to approach, calling out my name. However, caught in the throes of battle fever, I struggled to regain control.

With a primal roar, I launched myself skyward, talons extended and claws poised for destruction. Above us loomed the remnants of our once tranquil campsite—now illuminated by a radiant plasma explosion triggered by my own hand. In an instant, darkness swallowed us whole, punctuated only by scattered weaponfire and panicked shouts from Karga.

Amidst the chaos, I lost track of Mando and Gorgu, focusing solely on obliterating the remaining threat. Another barrage of energy seared through the heavens, annihilating the final adversary. Exhausted and injured, I collapsed onto the singed earth below, succumbing to the overwhelming fatigue brought on by combat.


Ascending above the wreckage, I cast a glance backward, observing my comrades sprawled on the ground, moans escaping their lips while traces of melted butter marred the surface nearby. Appalled, I retreated, exhaling anxiously. Mando slowly stood, favoring his burned shoulder where his pauldron ought to have been. Grimacing, he cautioned, "Stay back."

Gorgu tried advancing, but I bared my teeth, warning, "Keep away!" Overwhelmed, I ascended higher, flapping my wings forcefully to escape the scene and ignore Mando's pleas for me to stay. In my panic, I overlooked the incoming TIE Fighter speeding towards me, rendering me helpless as a laser bolt pierced my wing, propelling me into a dizzying spin. Desperately, I cried out, hoping for salvation that never arrived. Impact jolted me, hurling me into oblivion.


"She ought to materialize shortly, Sir," murmured a hesitant voice, provoking a sigh from me. "Ah, indeed, there she comes," affirmed someone else with a sinister edge sharper than the preceding speaker. This was decidedly not the customer; instead, a distinctively eerie tenor emanated from the armored figure addressing me. 

Bracing myself, I reluctantly cracked open my eyelids to discover a bronzed man studying me intensely. He wore a disturbing smile. "Salutations, dear dragonette. Permit me to introduce myself—I am Moff Gideon, your fresh proprietor," he revealed, stretching out his palm expectantly. Naturally, I lunged at him, resulting in a rapid withdrawal of his hand and a wince of apparent pain. Evidently, my bite left quite the impact.

 "Kindly abstain from meddling henceforth," interjected the anxious voice again, revealing itself as the slippery Doctor Pershing. Suddenly comprehending, I recognized him as the serpentine character accompanying the Moff. 

Enraged, I thrashed violently, aiming to extricate myself from the metal bands binding me to the examination table. Regrettably, these bonds inflamed my sensitive scales with each struggle. "You will pay dearly for this act of perfidy!" I threatened, snarling furiously. 

Undeterred, Moff Gideon simply laughed and folded his arms. "On the contrary, it appears you'll comply nicely. Your ward remains inconsequential to my intentions—yourself being the prime object of interest," he clarified whilst casually activating a mechanism on his wrist communicator. Immediately afterward, three Stormtroopers garbed in obsidian attire emerged, taking formation around me. 

"See to it that she is properly silenced and immobilized," instructed Gideon, transferring responsibility to Doctor Pershing. "Your assignment consists of determining the means to dominate her subservience." Having delivered his orders, Gideon proceeded to exit the chamber.

 Doctor Pershing released a resigned sigh and acknowledged the troops with a nod. Swiftly, they positioned themselves around me, securing cumbersome bindings and fitting a muzzle tightly over my jaw. Further restrictions were attached to my tail and wings, dampening my movements considerably. 

Frustrated, I continued protesting, generating loud protests, which failed to deter the medic. Eventually, he dismissed the soldiers, permitting only a pair to remain posted outside the entranceway, ostensibly anticipating my attempts to liberate myself.

 Approaching me kindly, he petted my forehead consolingly. "Please accept my apologies, I genuinely regret subjecting you to this treatment," he expressed sadly before initiating the insertion of numerous tubes into my flesh. Aggravated, I winced as the needlepoints penetrated my protective scales, leading my senses to fade gradually until consciousness dissolved entirely.


Memories flooded my mind, bringing with them waves of pain. Straining against the restraints, I refused to submit to the torrent of suffering. 

Gradually, fragments of reality surfaced—blaster shots ringing out, Moff Gideon's voice urging caution, and ultimately, Mando's calming presence. Gasping, I savored the familiar scent of my protector as he tenderly released the bindings. 

Coiling my body close to his, I luxuriated in the warmth of his embrace. "Nevermore shall I release you from my sight," he pledged earnestly. Easing myself upright, I leaned heavily on him and Cara as we traversed the bustling cantina.

 Spying Karga, I demanded, "Tell me, what transpired here?" Staring at me incredulously, Cara stammered, "Petals, are you aware of Moff Gideon?" Shaking my head, I admitted, "Only by reputation. Ever since my clan abandoned me, I avoid Imperial forces whenever feasible."

 Hushed voices reverberated through the room, concurring that Gideon sought to imprison me and Grogu. Recalling the turmoil instigated by the Imperials, anger simmered inside me. Determined to avenge those responsible, I asserted, "If given half a chance, I intend to hunt them all down."

 Intervening decisively, Mando countered, "Absolutely not. Losing you again isn't an option." Snickering, I assured him, "Worry not, Mando, I shan't disappear. Just grant me freedom to exact revenge on behalf of my fallen brethren."

 With a firm grip on my waist, Mando acquiesced, guiding me towards the threshold. Troopers aimed their rifles squarely at me, but I effortlessly neutralized them using the Force. Among the assembly, Moff Gideon stood tall, greeting my appearance with satisfaction. "Will you engage in conflict, young dragon, or surrender?" I challenged, charging full tilt. 

Fireworks exploded overhead as we clashed, cementing my resolve to defend my loved ones against those bent on controlling us.

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