Chris Evans-Double-Edged Dog

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Pairing: Chris Evans x Veterinarian Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,289

Summary: A small backstory on how you and Chris got into a relationship with Dodger being his wingdog.

A/N: I've seen something with Dodger being Chris's wingdog a long time ago, so I've wrote it. Hope You Enjoy!


It was a nice sunny day, Dodger running around in his owner's backyard. He was having fun, chasing butterflies and digging in the grass, but Chris came and said the words he hated the most.

"Dodger, we need to go to the vet!"

Dodger instantly tried to run away, but Chris knew all about his plan, running after him and cornering him. "No buddy, you can't run. Y'know you have to get a check up, now come on." Dodger whined, knowing Chris was right.

Chris got him ready, leading him to the car. He buckled up and began driving to the animal clinic. Dodger was happy for now, sticking his fluffy head out the window, tongue catching the air.

It was until he pulled up to the clinic that Dodger looked uninterested. Chris chuckled at that and exited the car, making his way up the walkway, but as he did, he caught the eye of someone.

Some woman came from the back, dressed in white. She was beautiful, with a stethoscope around her neck, and hair tied into a low ponytail. Chris froze as he looked at her.

She smiled at some random person with a dog. "Gosh, she's so pretty." Chris muttered under his breath. He must've been standing there for too long because Dodger nudged his head against his leg.

"Oh right, the check up!" He remembered. Him and Dodger walked in the building, walking up to the front desk where a receptionist was.

"Hi, I'm here for a check up under Chris Evans?" The receptionist began typing away before smiling as they saw his name. "3:30?" Chris nodded. "Go ahead and have a seat, the veterinarian will be with you shortly." He thanked the receptionist before taking himself and Dodger to a chair.

They sat there, Dodger looking down at the ground sad, knowing he would have to suffer, but Chris couldn't stop thinking of the woman.

By then, two people went in and came out with a smile, then he heard, "Chris Evans?" Chris looked up and there she was. The woman with the stethoscope around her neck. Chris shakily stood up, grabbing Dodger's leash.

The woman guided Chris and Dodger down a hall and into a room. "Hi, I'm Dr. Y/l, and I'll be taking care of your dog!" You introduced yourself with a huge smile, your white teeth showing.

Chris felt his cheeks turn into a deep shade of red at your smile. "Uh hi, I-I- Dodger?" Chris choked out, not making any sense. You had a confused look on your face, but you laughed.

Chris could only blush, not attempting to say anything else. He knew if he did, something more stupid would come out. He was so lost in your eyes and smile that he didn't know what English was anymore.

"So what are you here for? Injury, shots, check up-" Chris finally spoke up. "Y-yeah, check up. He already got his shots last month." You stood up, walking over to Dodger. "Alright, I'm gonna need you to put Dodger up here for me." Chris listened to you, lifting up the big fuzzy boy and placing him on the table.

Dodger stared at you, tail wagging slightly. Chris watched as you took the stethoscope and placed it on Dodgers left side under his arm. You listened carefully, nodding your head at the beats. "His heart sounds good." You said, moving onto checking his fur.

You gently sorted through it, making sure there were no critters hiding, potentially hurting him. "Fur looks okay." You muttered. "Now let's check those teeth!" You tried to open his mouth, but Dodger was being stubborn.

"Awe, open up for me, buddy!" You exclaimed in a huge cheerful tone, but he still didn't budge.

Chris decided it was time to step in, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Dodger, open your mouth for Dr. Y/l." Before doing so, Dodger looked at his owner, silently communicating to him.

You slowly put your fingers on his teeth, pushing down on them. You checked his gums and jaw, nodding your head as everything looked okay. "His mouth looks good, the only I would say is try to brush his-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Dodger quickly snapped at you, nipping your finger. You let out a gasp, jumping back with a hiss. "Ow!" You cried.

Chris's eyes were wide, mad at Dodger, but also concerned about you. "Dr. Y/l, are you okay?" Chris asked, instantly going to your side. You quickly rushed to the sink, running cool water on the small bite.

"Y-yeah, just surprised me, that's all. Everything's okay!" Your broken tone said, trying to sound cheerful like earlier, but Chris could see right through it.

"I- I'm sorry, he's never done that before, I don't know what's gotten into him." Chris apologized. You lightly brushed it off, grabbing a bandage from a jar. "Oh, it's fine! Not the first time I've gotten bitten by a big dog!" You joked, laughing, but Chris didn't find it funny at all.

How could you be laughing at this moment?

"No it's not okay, I should be able to control my dog, but he bit you!" Chris sighed annoyingly. He eyed Dodger, getting ready to scold him.

"Bad boy! You don't bite other people, especially when they're trying to help you!" You frowned behind him from his scolding. "Chris, it's okay, no need to get so mad. Don't call him a bad boy, he's a good boy!" You said, reaching over and petting Dodger.

Chris had his hand running across his forehead, shaking his head in shame. He can't believe this just happened. "Okay, well at least let me make it up to you."

You cocked an eyebrow. "And how are you gonna do that?" You asked, a smug bit of curiosity in your tone. You watched as Chris turned shy, avoiding your eyes. "Let me take you out to dinner. You can say no if you want too, but I-" You cut him off. "Sure, we can."

Chris was quiet as he took in your words. "I know I shouldn't be going on a date with a stranger, but you're cute, and besides, you have such a good dog!" A lazy smile formed on Chris's lips as you pet Dodger once more, with Dodger nuzzling in your hand.

"Really?" He asked, sounding unsure. "Yeah! I'm off all this weekend so-" You paused your sentence, grabbing a piece of paper from the counter and taking the pen out of your pocket.

"-text me, and we have a date!" You handed Chris the paper that had your phone number. "Now, I think we're done with this check up, so if you don't mind, I have other dogs to take care of."

Chris finally snapped out his small trance that seemed to go on for a good minute and took Dodger out the room. "Don't forget to call me!" You called out as he walked out the clinic.

Chris got back into his car just sitting there, re-thinking about everything that just happened in the span of less than an hour.

He looked at Dodger, realizing something. "Did you bite her on purpose, boy?" Dodger whimpered, in fear of getting in trouble.

Chris sighed, trying to be mad at him for biting you, but he was also happy that he did because now y'all are going on a date. "Thank you for biting her, but please don't ever do that again." Chris said to Dodger, scratching behind his ears.

Chris pulled out of the parking lot, driving the car down the road. "Let's go get you half of a treat for being such a good, but bad boy you little double-edged dog!"

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