Peter Parker-Matchmaker

664 7 0

Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,027

Summary: MJ is tired of seeing you and Peter beat around the bush when it comes to feelings, so she becomes a matchmaker.

A/N: First time writing for Peter because he's just, so handsome. Hope You Enjoy!


You and Peter have been friends since birth and there is one thing you know and that's you have a crush on him. He's nothing, but a gentleman towards you and he will drop almost anything and everything for you.

The moment you knew you liked him is when he introduced MJ to you. You were super jealous and stopped talking to him for almost 2 weeks until he got MJ to talk to you. At first you didn't want anything to do with him, until she told you she was gay. You were embraced and looked like a fool.

You both ended becoming rest friends and now you share all your secrets with her. She's always teasing you and trying to convince you to confess your feelings to him, but you can barely speak a full sentence when you're around him sometimes.

"Y/n, are you listening to me?" You jumped, looking at MJ who was staring at you. "Uh, y-yeah." She squinted her eyes at you before shaking your head. "You're thinking about Peter aren't you?" The blush came on your cheeks. "No, why would you think that?" She started laughing at how fast you denied.

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" You looked done at the ground, knowing she was gonna say that. "Girl, we've already been through this. He does like me back." MJ saw how sad you looked when you said it and thought of a plan.

She was gonna get Peter to admit it, but first she needs to see if he liked you. The bell rang, signaling it was time for your next class. You two got up and shared a hug. "I'll text you later, yeah?" You nodded your head and kissed her cheek before moving on.

Focusing on MJ

MJ sat down at her table next to Peter. "Hey, Peter." He waved, taking out his materials for the class. The teacher gave instructions and set up a project, meaning they could work together. "Peter, I have some questions for you."

Peter looked at MJ, waiting for her to continue. "So, what do you think of, Y/n?" Peter froze from writing and looked at her. He tried to stop the blush on his face, from the word of your name. "Uh, I think she's b-beautiful and smart." MJ smiled, hearing him call you beautiful. "So, do you like her?"

Peter thought innocently and answered, "Yeah, she's my best friend. Of course, I like her." MJ laughed, making Peter confused. "No, I mean, as a crush or girlfriend?" Peter's whole face turned red, and he tried to hide it, putting his head down. "W-why are we t-talking about this?" MJ 'brushed' it off, getting back to work on the project.

The class was over and Peter was about to leave, but MJ stopped him. "Peter, meet me at the park and wear something nice." Peter didn't question it, thinking they were gonna hang out and left. MJ had a smile on her face, knowing that her plan was coming together, now it was time for you.

Taking out her phone, she texts you the same thing. Happily, she walked to the park, waiting for you two to arrive.
You walked down the street, making your way to the park. You don't know why MJ told you to meet her, but you're not complaining.

As you came up to the bench, you noticed Peter was sitting there, looking around until he noticed you. "Oh, Y/n? What are you doing here?"

You sat down next to him, taking out a granola bar. "I don't know, MJ told me to meet her here, but so don't see her." Peter's eyebrows scrunched down in confusion. "MJ told me to meet her here too." Now you are confused.

Why would MJ get both of you to meet up, but not show. "Imma text her." Peter pulled his phone out and texted her.

Hey, where are you? Me and Y/n's here.

You both waited for a while, looking at the stars and eating the granola bar, but didn't get a response. "She didn't text back. Maybe she's not coming." You shrugged your shoulders, remembering what you and her were talking about earlier.

"Peter, can I tell you something?" Peter looked over at you, giving you his full attention. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" You waved him off, giving a small chuckle. "Yeah, I just wanna tell you something and I get it if you don't wanna be friends anymore."

Peter grabbed your hands as comfort. "Hey, it's alright. Nothing or anyone is ever gonna make me stop being your friend. Tell me what's wrong." You took a deep breath before telling him. "I-I. Peter, I like you and not just as a friend. I like you more and I want more." Peter looked at you, stunned, making you bite your lip, nervously.

He hasn't said anything, making you scared. "Uh, I think I'll just go." You attempted to get up, but Peter grabbed you. "Wait!" You turned around, looking at him, nervously. "I like you too. I've liked you for a long time, but I've been scared to tell you."

You breathed out in relief, smiling. "I have been too, but MJ has been in my ass lately." Peter's eyes grew slightly big as he recalled the project from earlier. "Speaking of MJ, she kept asking me questions about you. Like if I liked you more than a friend."

You rolled your eyes. "Of course she did. She was the one who wanted me to tell you." It was no surprise for Peter as well, after knowing her for so long. You stared at each other, letting the cool breeze blow by.

Next thing you knew, you both leaned closer, lips about it touched, until your forehead bumped together. You both winced in pain, rubbing your forehead. "Ow." You and Peter shared a laugh, knowing this will go down as a memory. "Wanna try that again?" You nodded your head and let your lips lock together.

I guess you could say, MJ is a matchmaker.

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