Peter Parker-My Little 'Bad Boy'

774 4 0

Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Fluff!

Word Count: 3,500

Summary: When Peter sees you have an interest in some new bad boy, he tries changing himself, so you can notice him.

A/N: Our poor Peter changing himself for us. Hope You Enjoy!


The bells rang indicating school just started. You sat at the table with your friends Ned, MJ, and Peter. The class was loud.

Loud chattering and gossip was all around the room until the teacher walked in. "Class, please be quiet and welcome our new student, Blake." Everyone turned their attention to the boy who was wearing an all black, leather jacket, with a lip piercing.

"Be nice to him and make him feel welcomed. You may sit anywhere you like." Girls started whispering to their friends, already liking the way he looked. You turned back to your friends continuing the conversation until a hand tapped on your shoulder.

You turned around to see Blake standing there with a smile. "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit right here?" He pointed to a chair across from you. "No, it's all yours." Blake smiled and sat down. The teacher started to teach and everyone paid attention. "So you guys have a project, I want y'all to partner up in two's."

MJ and Ned gave a fist bump, saying they were gonna be together. "Hey, do you wanna work together?" You looked at Blake and gave an awkward smile, but before you could answer Peter did for you. "Uh, she's with me. Sorry man, go find someone else."

Your mouth dropped open in shock as you turned to Peter. "Peter, don't be rude!" Peter held his hands up in defense. "I'm not, I'm just telling him there's a lot of people in here and you're not available." You huffed, rolling your eyes.

"Well if that's the case, you go be with Flash and I'll be with Blake." Peter opens his mouth to protest, but you already grabbed your backpack and moved next to Blake.

Sadness filled his body as he watched you and Blake start talking about the project. He slowly got up and made his way to Flash. "What's wrong Penis Parker? Mad that the new kid stole your girl?" Peter cursed under his breath. This was gonna be a long day.


Second and third period were good and now it was time for lunch. Peter couldn't wait because you decided to make him one of your famous sandwiches that he hasn't had in so long.

He excitedly sat at the table, waiting for you, but when you came in, you brought  another person along. "Hey guys." Everyone greeted you, but Peter just sat there staring. "I brought Blake if you don't mind." You began taking out your lunch and the sandwich.

Peter held his hand out, thinking you were gonna give it to him. "Oh, I'm sorry Peter, Blake doesn't have lunch, so I was gonna give him the sandwich." Peter's expression dropped as he watched Blake smile at you.

"Can I at least get a drink?" You gave Peter another sorry expression. "I gave Blake money for a drink, I'm-" Peter stood up, making his way to the lunch line. "Yeah, you're sorry." You wanted to say something, but he was already on his way.

The whole time, you talked to Blake, letting him in on all the latest gossip and pointing out all the people. Peter was going crazy without your attention, but even though MJ and Ned tried talking to him, it just wasn't the same as you.

The bell rang, indicating that lunch was over. You didn't even say goodbye to anyone, before grabbing your trash and walking off with Blake. Peter was still a little sad, but he couldn't wait for after school.

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