Bucky Barnes-Extra Credit

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Pairing: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Student!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Aftercare, Choking, Cursing, Deep Throat, Degradation, Face Fucking, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Oral, (Bucky Receiving), Praise, Slapping, Spanking, and Unprotected Sex. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 1,947

Summary: When you fail a test, you go to talk to your hot professor for some extra credit, but they have something else in mind.

A/N: I kinda like this one and I hope you do too. Hope You Enjoy!


You rushed to your class fast. You were 15 minutes late because you've been studying all night for a test in your 3rd period. This test counted 80% of your grade, so you wanted to make sure you passed.

You didn't realize that you studied until 5:23 AM and what made it worse is that you had to wake up at 6:00. You busted through the door of Mr.Barnes class, breathing heavily, making everyone's attention turn to you. "Ms.Y/L/N, you're late."

You went to your desk, bowing your head. "I know, I'm sorry, sir." Bucky looked at you up and down, taking in your outfit, but continued to teach. You sighed, putting your head down for a couple of seconds.

"Alright, take everything off your desk except a pencil and I'll pass your test out." Your head shot up fast, almost giving you a whiplash. 'What test?' You thought, panicking as Mr.Barnes came around with papers. He never said anything about a test.

He stood in front of you, placing a paper on your desk. "Make sure you all do your best! This counts for 70% of your grade." You felt as if you could pass  out right then and there. Two big important tests in one day and you only studied for one.

Mr.Barnes sat down at his desk, typing on his computer while others took the test. You looked around the room, seeing others getting to work fast, while you were stuck with reading one word. You didn't know what to do, but you tried your best.

You remembered some answers to the questions, but half of the test was blank. "You have 10 minutes left." You shakily started choosing answers that sounded best to you. You were an all A student, so you couldn't afford a bad grade, but at the same time, anything is better than a zero.

"Times up!" Mr.Barnes got up and began collecting everyone's test. 'I think I did good!' Some girl behind you said with a smile, but you weren't smiling. You were upset. Upset because you know that you were gonna fail, but you would probably get at least a 60.

Everything will be alright. Or will it?


As Mr.Barnes graded the papers he gave everyone free time to do whatever, but you were stressed. Your leg was bouncing up and down, biting your nails, small noises coming out your mouth. The bell rang and everyone began to pack up.

You were in the middle of getting up when Mr.Barnes' voice stopped you. "Y/n, I need you to stay." You silently cursed under your breath as everyone left, leaving you and your Professor alone.

You gulped, putting your bag down and walking to his desk. "Yes Sir?" Barnes sighed, grabbing your test paper. "You failed your test badly." Your eyes almost bugged out your head as you saw the score.

45 written in red in the right hand corner. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you, but what happened to my A+ student?" You felt tears come to your eyes at the fact of your teacher scolding you. "S-sir, I'm-" Bucky held his hand up, stopping you from talking.

"If you want to graduate, you need to pass my class Y/n, and you're not showing that right now." You whimpered quietly at his scolding. "Please Sir, I'm sorry, I'll do anything just please don't fail me!" Bucky perked at the one word.

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