Bucky Barnes-Still My Beautiful Girl

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Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Reader

Warnings: Angst, Body Shaming, Cursing, Fluff, and Mentions of Killing.

Word Count: 2,279

Summary: Bucky's guards begin to gossip about your stretch marks, but Bucky assures you that they're beautiful, and shows his guards to keep your name out their mouths.

A/N: I got inspired by a prompt I saw in a prompt generator about stretch marks, so here's this story. Hope You Enjoy!


You woke up to the sound of something being knocked over, following a muffled curse word.

You groaned as you turned, your sore, heavy body aching. Just then, Bucky came into view, hair wet, and only in a towel.

When he saw you attempting to get up, he quickly rushed over to your side to help. "Woah, slow down, doll. Let me help you." You let Bucky help you sit up, with him making sure you had a lot of pillows on your back.

"Mmm, you smell nice, where are you going?" You asked him, eyes closing at the fresh smell of his clean body. "Got a meeting for a possible trade." Your mouth turned into a small pout, sadness taking over your features.

Bucky groaned, throwing his head back. "Awe, don't look at me like that! It's not gonna take long, only an hour or 2. I promise." Bucky lastly said, leaning down and kissing your forehead.

He then leaned down to your 8 month pregnant stomach and pressed another soft kiss to it as well. "Daddy will be home soon, princess." You giggled as Bucky talked to your belly.

Over the last couple of months, Bucky started talking to your bump. It started late at night when he would come back home from a meeting or a gruesome fight.

He would say things like; "I can't wait until you get brought into this world. I'm gonna spoil you so much." And "How's your day been? You haven't been giving Mama any trouble, have you?" And the baby kicked, almost as if she was responding to him.

That really got the Mafia boss crying, holding you until you fell asleep.

Your thoughts were ripped apart from you when Bucky came into your vision, dressed up in a black suit. He had your favorite smoothie, peanuts, and a small yogurt in hand.

"This is for when you get thirsty, when you want something salty, and something sweet, but healthy, so you shouldn't need to get up for anything." Once again, you giggled at his words.

Every single time Bucky leaves the house, even if it's for 2 minutes, he gets you snacks that can check off all your needs while he's gone just so you won't get.

(You still do, but he doesn't need to know that.)

Bucky gave you a serious look and kissed your lips. "I'll be back soon, I love you." You repeated it, back, feeling a little bit sleepy. Bucky noticed and helped you lay back some, making sure you were tucked in, and left for his meeting.

While he was gone and you were asleep, you had a weird dream. For some odd reason, you were dreaming about Pizza. Pizza Hut to be exact.

The thought of the red sauce, with nice pepperoni, and warm cheese had your mouth watering in your dream.

When you woke up, you instantly thought of it, ignoring the snacks that were on the nightstand and slowly got up.

You held your bump, letting out a breath. "Jesus Becca, you're gonna take mommy's back out." You muttered to yourself as you back started hurting.

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