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"Hey Ronnie can you let me and my friends in? One of my friends has a lounge, his name is Ace."

"Girl you know everybody in the city in that bitch trying to see him. Of course yall can go right in."

Khia laughed under her breath, heading past Ronnie with the boys behind her. As they made their way through, security came in clutch by letting Ace get through untouched. He was very popular in their city, clearly since the club was packed.

They made their way up the steps to the nice ass lounges and Khia took a seat.

"Can you see if Tek here?" she asked one of the security guards who immediately nodded helping the girl out since she was only ever nice to them.

"Who Tek?" Mir asked

"My homeboy he work with me and he make drinks better than me I swear."

Mir nodded, good with all that.

Ace started to roll them all some blunts first, they was definitely about to be crossed faded. Khia already had a little high going from what she had before hand.

"Yo Khia your ass ain't been round in two weeks."
Tek voice said as soon as he was up the steps and near the lounge.

"Man that's what I'm saying." Kai said, none of them really knowing the reason not even Ace to be honest.

"I was busyyyy" she said rolling her eyes.

All the boys were really paying attention to her saying she was busy but if she was busy why wasn't she at work either?

"What can I get you all?"

"Well I'll have an expresso martini and a couple shots of henny for all of us."

"Damn she trying to get us fucked up." Ace said shaking his head as he was on his second blunt to roll, Trell sitting down and helping him.

"You can bring a bottle of patron and Tito's." Mir said.

"Oh some pink Whitney to please!"

"Got you got you." He came over to Khia and leaned down to give her a hug. While he did that he stared at Ace. Khia payed it no mind as Tek walked away.

Ace watched the entire hug thing and he could tell the nigga was TRYING to say something. Like he was trying to place claims on Khia or sumn.

Ace continued smoking his blunt, trying to rub off the apparent feeling he had going on inside him. Nigga was lucky he ain't get up and handle him that second but he knew Khia wasn't even thinking of him no type of way so really that nigga was losing.

"You smoking?" Ace said as soon as all three drinks they ordered were placed down on the table in front of them.

"Nah I'm good but thanks." She shook her head, standing up and picking up the shots.

She handed each of the boys one and then held hers up into the middle.

"Cheerssss" she said with a smile but the boys shook their heads laughing before they all threw it back.

"Ah." She said under her breath, sticking her tongue out a little before gathering herself and sitting down to pour herself a glass of pink Whitney.

"You drinking that shit like it's water."

"As I should though." She winked at Kai and laughed under her breath.

"If you put money over bitches?? Okay okay that's the right movement."

Khia started rapping along to a song by Ot7 Quanny playing in the club.

"Most these niggas instagram gangsters they just type shooting" Mir and trell both said.

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